ICS102, SECTION 65 (002
LAB #07 Control Structures
Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi
To gain experience with:
Computers can perform both arithmetic and logical
operations. Accordingly, in addition to
the arithmetic operators, Java has a number of operators that are used for logical
operations. These are relational and logical operators that are shown in the
tables below:
Notice that the operands for the Relational
operators must be numeric (int, double, etc), whereas, the operands for
the Logical operators must be boolean.
Like Arithmetic operators, if more than one of these
operators are involved in an expression, the expression is evaluated according
to Java precedence rules. The following
table the precedence of the operators encountered so far.
Example 1: public
class LogicalExpressions { public static void main(String[] args) { int total = 15; System.out.println(total == 15); System.out.println(total != 15); System.out.println(total < 15 && total >15); //we can also assign logical expressions to
boolean variables boolean answer1 = total == 15 / 3 * 2; System.out.println(answer1); boolean answer2 = total != 10-12%7 * 2 /
5 + 3; System.out.println(answer2); System.out.println(answer1 || answer2); } } |
Relational and logical expressions evaluates to true
or false. Thus, when they are printed,
the output is either true or false.
They can also be assigned to boolean variables as shown in the example
above. Most importantly, they are used
to form condition for if and loop statements.
Java provides two basic forms of the if
statement. The first version has the form:
if (condition)
This executes the statement only when the condition holds. Note the following:
if (
test) {
The second version of the if statement has the form:
statement2 |
statements } |
the condition
is true the first statement
(or first block of statements) is executed, otherwise, the second statement (or
second block of statements) is executed.
Example 2: The following program modifies the BankAccount
account to make sure that a customer cannot withdraw more than his balance and
to make sure negative amount is not accepted.
import*; class
BankAccount { private int accountNumber; private String customerName; private double balance; public BankAccount(int number, String name,
double bal) { accountNumber = number; customerName = name; if (bal >= 0)
balance = bal; } public BankAccount(int accountNumber,
String name) { this(accountNumber, name, 0.0); } public void deposit (double amount) { if (amount > 0)
balance += amount; } public void withdraw(double amount) { if (amount>0 && amount <=
balance -= amount; } public double getBalance() { return balance; } public void trasferTo(BankAccount account,
double amount) { if (amount > 0 && amount
<= balance) { withdraw(amount); account.deposit(amount); }
} public String toString() { return "Account Number:
"+accountNumber+", Name: "+customerName+" , Balance:
"+balance; } } |
If there are more than two options to choose from,
then multiple if statements are nested like this:
if (condition1) {
else if (condition2) {
else if (conditionn-1) {
else {
Conditions are evaluated until a true one is
found; then its statement is executed and the rest of the code is skipped.
Example 3: Recall that the Student class in lab05 involved
three get methods, namely: getQuiz1(), getQuiz2() and getQuiz3(). Also it had three set methods, one for each
quiz. The following example modifies
the Student class so that there is only one get method and only one set method.
import*; class
Student { private String name; private int iDNumber; double quiz1, quiz2, quiz3; public Student(String s, int n, double q1,
double q2, double q3) { name = s; iDNumber = n; quiz1 = q1; quiz2 = q2; quiz3 = q3; } public double average() { return (quiz1+quiz2+quiz3)/3; } public double getQuiz(int
n) { if (n == 1) return quiz1; else if (n==2) return quiz2; else return quiz3; } public void
setQuiz(double quiz, int n) { if (n == 1) quiz1 = quiz; else if (n==2) quiz2 = quiz; else quiz3 = quiz; } public int getID() { return iDNumber; } public void printDetails() { System.out.println("\nStudent Name:
"+ name); System.out.println("Stundet ID:
"+iDNumber); System.out.println("Quiz Grades:
"+quiz1+"\t"+quiz2+"\t"+quiz3); } } public
class StudentDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double newGrade; BufferedReader stdin = new
BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; Student s = new
Student("Tareg", 996753, 15, 17, 12); s.printDetails(); System.out.println("Average :
"+s.average()); System.out.print("\nEnter new grade
for quiz3: "); newGrade =
Double.parseDouble(stdin.readLine()); s.setQuiz(newGrade,
3); s.printDetails(); System.out.println("Average :
"+s.average()); } } |
The switch statement is also used to select one or
more branches from among a sequence of branches. The format is:
(controllingExpression) {
case value1 :
case value2 :
default :
Notice that:
Examples 4: The following example reads a day number
[1..7] and prints the english name of the day.
import*; class
WeekDay { private int day; public WeekDay(int day) { = day; } public int valueOf() { return day; } public String getDay() { switch
(day) { case 1: return "Sunday"; case 2: return "Monday"; case 3: return "Tuesday"; case 4: return "Wednesday"; case 5: return "Thursday"; case 6: return "Friday"; case 7: return "Saturday"; default: return "Invalid Day"; } } } public
class WeekDayDemo { public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException { BufferedReader
stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Enter
a day number [1..7]: "); int
day = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine()); WeekDay
weekDay = new WeekDay(day); System.out.println("This day
is: "+weekDay.getDay()); } } |
A sales person is paid
commission based on the sales he makes as shown by the following table:
figure (a) |
Write a class, Commission,
which has:
an instance variable, sales;
an appropriate constructor; and appropriate set and get
a method, commission()
that returns the commission.
Now write a demo class to
test the Commission class by reading a sale from the user, using it to create a
Commission object after validating that the value is not negative. Finally, call the commission() method
to get and print the commission. If the
sales is negative, your demo should print the message “Invalid Input”. See figure (a) for sample run.
The certain instructor
assigns letter grade for his course based on the following table:
figure (b) |
Write a class, Grader,
which has:
an instance variable, score,
an appropriate constructor and
appropriate set and get methods
a method, letterGrade()
that returns the letter grade as a String.
Now write a demo class to
test the Grader class by reading a score from the user, using it to create a
Grader object after validating that the value is not negative and is not
greater then 100. Finally, call the letterGrade()
method to get and print the grade. See
figure (b) for sample run.
Triangles are normally
categorized as follows:
figure (c) |
Write a class, Triangle,
which has:
instance variables, side1,
side2, side3; an
appropriate constructor
four boolean methods: isEquilateral(),
isIsosceles(), isRightAngled() and isScalene()
Now write a demo class to
test the Triangle class by reading values for the three sides, using them to
create a Triangle and check and prints its type. see figure (c) for sample run.