ICS102 SECTION 02&13  (002 Semester)

Introduction to Computing

Home Work   #01



1.      Answer Exercise P1.3 on page 45 of the ICS102 Reference Textbook.


2.      Write a program to compute the sum of the following series:

3.      Answer Exercise P1.5 on page 46 of the ICS102 Reference Textbook.


4.      Answer Exercise R2.17 on page 94 of the ICS102 Reference Textbook.


5.      Answer Exercise P2.2 on page 95 of the ICS102 Reference Textbook.


6.      Write a program to compute the minimum Saudi Riyals currency notes needed to represent any whole number amount of money.  For example, for SR1386 the output is follows:


Submission Notes:

For programming problems you should submit both printed copy and soft copy in a diskette.

For non-programming problems, only a word processed printed copy is required.

Submit both the printed copy and the diskette in an envelope on or before beginning of class on Monday, 26/02/2001.


Very important coding guidelines:

  1. All your programs files should be saved in a folder HW1 on your diskette.
  2. Hand-written work will not be accepted
  3. Code your programs according to the Java naming conventions on  this link.
  4. Indent your work so that content of a class and methods are pushed inside by a tab or at least three spaces.
  5. Use comments at the beginning of each program to explain its purpose.  Also include your name and ID number as part of the comment.
  6. Use comments to explain each variable whose purpose cannot be determined from its name.