ICS102, SECTIONS 52, 54 & 55  (001 Semester)


LAB  #05 More on Applets


Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi



To gain experience with:


1.  Applet Life Cycle

All the applets we create must extend the Applet class defined in the java.applet package. "Extend" means that our applets will build upon, or inherit, the methods and fields of the Applet class.

The Applet class provides a set of methods used by any Web browser when it runs an applet. They are:

init() -This is the first method called when an applet is loaded. Initializing variables and objects, and adding applet components, such as Label and TextField objects, on the screen are performed here.

start() - This method is called right after the init(), and everytime the applet becomes active after it has been inactive. An applet becomes inactive when the browser window is minimized or the user leaves the page to visit another Web page, and then returns.

paint(Graphics g) –This method is called when the applet's display area is covered by a menu, when the area is re-sized or when the repaint() method is called.

stop() -This method is called when the applet becomes inactive.

destroy() - This method is called when the browser closes.

By default, these methods do nothing, but we can make them do something by re-writing (overriding) them in our applets.  In the applets programs we have written so far, we have been overriding the paint method to make the browser display what we want.  In this lab, we shall see how the init method can be used to initialize the variables required by an applet.

2.  Input using dialog windows

The applets we have written so far are nice, but they aren’t interactive.  Interactive applets allow the user to communicate with them through graphical interfaces such as buttons, text fields, etc.  In this section, we shall learn a simple input method called input dialog window.


To display a dialog window, we use showInputDialog() method of the JOptionPane class, which is contained in the javax.swing package.  This waits for the user to enter a value and then press the OK button.


The problem with input dialog is that it can only read string input. Thus, if the user enters a numeric value such as 23, it treats it as the string “23”.  However, this is not a problem as each of the numeric primitive types, there is a class that contains a method that can be used to convert a string value to a value of its type.  These classes are some times called wrapper classes as they can be used to change primitive values into objects – more about these later.


Primitive type

Wrapper Class

String to number conversion method




















Example 1: The following example reads an amount for each of the primary colors (red, green and blue), and use them to create a color object, which is then used to draw a circle.


Notice that since the input is required only once, when the applet is loaded, it does not make sense to put the code for reading input in the paint method.  The right palace for these is the init method.

import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;

import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;


/*  uses the input dialog window to read the amount of primary colors to be used in displaying a circle */


public class ColorSelect extends Applet {


   private float red;

   private float green;

   private float blue;


   public void init() {

      String input;


      input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("red:");

      red = Float.parseFloat(input);


      input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("green:");

      green = Float.parseFloat(input);


      input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("blue:");

      blue = Float.parseFloat(input);    



   public void paint(Graphics g) {

      final int DIAMETER = 100;


      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;


      Color fillColor = new Color(red, green, blue);



      Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double((getWidth()-DIAMETER)/2,

         (getHeight()-DIAMETER)/2, DIAMETER, DIAMETER);






Notice that the getWidth()and getHeight() in the above example returns the width and height of the applets display area.  They are very useful methods when displaying items at the center of the applet display area.


3.  Input using parameters

Another way of supplying input is using the <PARAM> tag in the HTML file that loads the applet.  This has the form:
<PARAM  NAME=”….”  VALUE=”….”>
where NAME is the parameter name and VALUE is its value.  We can have any number of PARAM tags between the <APPLET ….> and </APPLET> tags.  
<TITLE> A Simple Program </TITLE>
<APPLET CODE="ColorSelect2.class" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=400>
<PARAM NAME="Red"   VALUE="0.8">
<PARAM NAME="Green" VALUE="0.7">
<PARAM NAME="Blue"  VALUE="0.1">
Once parameters are passed using the PARAM tags, the getParameter() method can be used to get the values from within the applet.  Again, the getParameter() method returns a string, so to get numeric values, the appropriate parse… methods are used.
Example 2: The following example is the same as the previous, but the input is passed using PARAM tag in the HTML file as shown above.
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
/* uses html parameters to pass the amount of primary color to be used in displaying a circle */
public class ColorSelect2 extends Applet {
   private float red;
   private float green;
   private float blue;
   public void init() {
      // get red, green, and blue values from the applet parameters
      red = Float.parseFloat(getParameter("Red"));
      green = Float.parseFloat(getParameter("Green"));
      blue = Float.parseFloat(getParameter("Blue"));     
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
          final int DIAMETER = 200;
      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
      Color fillColor = new Color(red, green, blue);
      Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double((getWidth()-DIAMETER)/2,
        (getHeight()-DIAMETER)/2, DIAMETER, DIAMETER);
Example 3:  The following example is same as above except that the color object is created in the init method.
mport java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
/* uses html parameters to pass the amount of primary color to be used in displaying a circle */
public class ColorSelect3 extends Applet {
   private Color fillColor;
   public void init() {
      float red = Float.parseFloat(getParameter("Red"));
      float green = Float.parseFloat(getParameter("Green"));
      float blue = Float.parseFloat(getParameter("Blue"));
      fillColor = new Color(red, green, blue);  
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
      final int DIAMETER = 300;
      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
      Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double((getWidth()-DIAMETER)/2,
         (getHeight()-DIAMETER)/2, DIAMETER, DIAMETER);


4.  Inserting Images

Images of type .GIF and .JPEG can be loaded into a java applet by creating an object of class Image as follows:

Image myImage = getImage(baseURL, relativeLocation);


baseURL: This is either the URL of the HTML file which loads the applet, which can be obtained using the getDocumentBase() method or the URL of the applet’s .class file, which can be obtained using the getCodeBase() method.

In our examples, since the HTML file and the .class file are in the same folder, we can use either of the methods.


relativeLocation:  this is the location of the image file relative to the baseURL.  


For example, suppose the image file is in:  FILE:/D:/WORKAREA/LAB05/IMAGES/BASHIR.GIF

and the HTML file and the .class file are in FILE:/D:/WORKAREA/LAB05/

then the relativeLocation should be specified as IMAGES/BASHIR.GIF since the getDocumentBase() (or getCodeBase()) will return FILE:/D:/WORKAREA/LAB05/


After the image is loaded, we display it by using the drawImage() method of the graphics / graphics 2D object as follows:

g.drawImage(myImage, x, y, width, height, this);


where x, y specifies the top left corner of the rectangular area to be used in displaying the image, width and height are the width and height to be used in displaying the image and this is the applet reference.  If no width and height are specified, the actual width and height of the image are used. 


An image object has two methods getWidth(this) and getHeight(this) which can be used to get the with and height of the image.  This is useful if the image need to be centered on the applet display area. this is a reference to the image object.


Example 4: The following is an example displaying the Olympic touch.

import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Image;


/* displays image */


public class Images extends Applet {

        Image torch;


        public void init() {

               torch = getImage(getCodeBase(), "images/olympicTorch.gif");




        public void paint(Graphics g) {


               g.drawImage(torch, 5, 5, this);

               g.drawImage(torch, 200, 200 , 100, 100, this);




5.  Playing Sound

Audio clips of type .au can be loaded and played in a java applet by creating an object of class AudioClip as follows:

AudioClip myAudioClip = getAudioClip(baseURL, relativeLocation);


The baseURL and relativeLocation are as explained in loading images.


Once an audio clip object is created, it can be played by calling its play() or loop() method.  The play() method plays the clip only once from the beginning to end.  The loop() method on the other hand, plays the clip repeatedly until either the stop() method is called or the applet is closed.


Example 5:  The following example displays images and continuously play a sound clip until the applet window is closed.

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Image;

import java.applet.AudioClip;


/* plays audio sound and displays image */

public class AudioSound extends java.applet.Applet {

    Image myImage;

    AudioClip music;


    public void init() {

        myImage = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"images/bashir.jpg");

        music = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "audio/");



    public void paint(Graphics g) {

        int iWidth = myImage.getWidth(this);

        int iHeight = myImage.getHeight(this);

        int xPos = 10;

        // 50%

        g.drawImage(myImage, xPos, 10 , iWidth/2, iHeight/2, this);

        // 100%

        xPos += (iWidth/2) + 10;

        g.drawImage(myImage, xPos, 10, this);

        xPos += iWidth + 10;

        g.drawImage(myImage, xPos, 10 , iWidth + 15, iHeight + 15, this);





6.  Assignments

1.        Write an applet that uses dialog window to read the following input:

·         A message to display ( example a name)

·         The name of the font to use in displaying the message (Serif, SansSerif, etc)

·         The font size to be used in displaying the message.

You applet then displays the message according to the above criteria using yellow text color and blue background color.


2.        Modify the above program so that the input is provided using the PARAM tag in the html file that loads the applet.


3.        Write an applet that displays the Olympic torch (OlympicTorch.gif) on top of the Olympic logo (OlympicLogo.gif) and plays the audio clip ( continuously until the applet is closed.  The two images should be centered horizontally on the applet display area.  (Hint: use the getWidth(this) and getHeight(this) methods of the image objects to get their sizes.