ICS102, SECTIONS 52, 54 & 55
(001 Semester)
LAB #04 Control Structures
Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi
To gain experience with:
Computers can perform both arithmetic and logical
operations. Accordingly, in addition to
the arithmetic operators, Java has a number of operators that are used for
logical operations. These are relational and logical operators that are shown
in the tables below:
Notice that the operands for the Relational operators
must be numeric (int, double, etc), whereas, the operands for the
Logical operators must be boolean.
Like Arithmetic operators, if more than one of these
operators are involved in an expression, the expression is evaluated according
to Java precedence rules. The following
precedence table updates the one shown earlier (Lab02) to include relational
and logical operators:
Precedence Table |
operators |
expr |
operators |
or cast |
multiplicative |
additive |
relational |
equality |
OR |
assignment |
Evaluate the following expressions manually.
> 2 || 12 <= 7 |
or F |
> 2 && 12 <= 7 |
or F |
== 8 || 6 != 6 |
or F |
== 8 && 6 != 6 |
or F |
Now execute the following
program and compare the result with the one you obtained manually.
class LogicalExpressions {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Result is "+(5 > 2 || 12 <=
System.out.println("Result is "+(5 > 2 && 12
<= 7));
System.out.println("Result is "+(3 == 8 || 6 != 6));
System.out.println("Result is "+(3 == 8 && 6 !=
} } |
if Statement.
The if
or conditional
statement is one of the simplest control structures. Java provides two basic forms of the if
if (
This executes the statement only when the test holds.
Note the following about if statement:
if (
test) {
Example 2: The following program reads the balance of an
account and an amount to withdraw and then prints the new balance.
If the new balance is negative, the program prints a warning message.
/* reads
balance and amount to withdraw and prints the new balance
also prints a warning if the new balance is negative */ import TextIO; public class BankAccount {
static TextIO stdin = new TextIO(;
public static void main(String[] args) throws {
double balance, withdraw;
System.out.print("Enter current balnce: ");
System.out.print("Enter amount to withdraw: ");
balance -= withdraw;
System.out.println("The new balance is: "+balance);
if (balance < 0) System.out.println("Invalid Transaction - please see the manager!");
} } |
The second version of the if statement has the form:
statement2 |
statements } |
is true the first statement
(or first block of statements) is executed, otherwise, the second statement (or
second block of statements) is execute.
Example 3: The following
example reads the coefficients of a quadratic equation and prints its real roots
if it has any, else it prints an a warning message.
/* reads the coefficients of a quadratic
equation and prints its real roots if it has any, else print an a warning message. */ import TextIO; public class QuadraticEquation { static
TextIO stdin = new TextIO(; public
static void main(String[] args) throws { double
a, b, c, disc, root1, root2; System.out.print("Enter
values for the coefficents, a b c: "); a=stdin.readDouble(); b=stdin.readDouble(); c=stdin.readDouble(); disc
= b*b - 4*a*c; if
(disc >= 0) { root1 = (-b+Math.sqrt(disc))/(2*a); root2 = (-b-Math.sqrt(disc))/(2*a); System.out.println("The roots are:
"+root1+" and "+root2); } else System.out.println("Sorry, the
equation has no real roots"); } } |
If there are more than two options to choose from, then
multiple if statements are combined like this:
if (condition1) {
else if (condition2) {
else if (conditionn-1) {
else {
Conditions are evaluated until a true one is found; then its statement is executed and the rest of the code is skipped.
Example 4: The following example reads how much a student score
in an exam. and prints his letter grade
according to some standard criteria.
/* reads how much a student score in an exam.
and prints his letter grade according to some standard criteria. */ import TextIO; public class LetterGrade { static
TextIO stdin = new TextIO(; public
static void main(String[] args) throws { double
score; char
grade; System.out.print("Enter
the score of the student: "); score=stdin.readDouble(); if
(score >= 90) grade
= 'A'; else if (score >= 80) grade
= 'B'; else if (score >= 70) grade
= 'C'; else
if (score >= 60) grade
= 'D'; else grade
= 'F'; System.out.println("Enter
letter grade for this student is: "+grade); } } |
switch Statement.
The switch statement is also used to select one or
more branches from among a sequence of branches. The format is:
switch (controllingExpression) {
case value1 : statements;
case value2 : statements;
case value : statements;
case valuen : statements
default: statements;
Notice that:
Example 5:
The following example reads a number [1 ...7] corresponding to a week
day and prints the name of that day.
/* reads a
number [1 ...7] corresponding to a week day and prints
the name of the day. */ import TextIO; public class DayOfWeek { static
TextIO stdin = new TextIO(; public
static void main(String[] args) throws { int
dayNumber; System.out.print("Enter
a number for the week day [1...7]"); dayNumber
= stdin.readInt(); switch
(dayNumber) { case
1: System.out.println("Saturday"); break; case
2: System.out.println("Sunday"); break; case
3: System.out.println("Monday"); break; case
4: System.out.println("Tuesday"); break; case
5: System.out.println("Wednesday"); break; case
6: System.out.println("Thursday"); break; case
7: System.out.println("Friday"); break; default: System.out.println("Sorry invalid day
number"); } } } |
statements are used to repeatedly execute a statement or a sequence of
statements. There are three such statements
in Java; while, for and do. In this Lab we shall consider the while loop.
while loop has the following general form:
In executing this
loop, Java first evaluates the test.
If the test fails, the loop terminates. Otherwise, Java executes the statements
and then goes back and tries the test again. This process is repeated until the
test eventually evaluates to false.
Note: the test in a while
loop usually involves a variable which is
initialized before the loop and updated inside the loop. The updating must be such
that the test will eventually evaluates to false, otherwise the loop will not
terminate –infinite loop.
Examples 6: The following example prints a table of
integer numbers and their squares for integers from 1 to 10
/* prints
a table of integer numbers and their squares for
integers from 1 to 10 */ public class TableOfSquares { public
static void main(String[] args) { int i = 0; while
(i < 10) { i++; System.out.println(i + "\t" + Math.pow(i, 2)); } } } |
Examples 7: The following example reads interger numbers from the user and count how many are positive and how many are negative. The program uses 0 sa sentinel. i.e. it continues to read until 0 value is entered.
/* reads
interger numbers from the user and count how many are positive and how
many are negative. The program stops
when a 0 value is entered. */ import TextIO; public class InputCounter { static
TextIO stdin = new TextIO(; public
static void main(String[] args) throws { int
positiveCount=0; int
negativeCount=0; int
number; System.out.print("Enter
next number: "); number
= stdin.readInt(); while(number
!= 0) { if (number > 0) positiveCount++; else negativeCount++; System.out.print("Enter next number:
"); number = stdin.readInt(); } System.out.println("Count
of Positive Numbers = "+positiveCount); System.out.println("Count
of Negative Numbers = "+negativeCount); } } |
1. The front tires of a car should both have the same pressure. Also, the rear tires of a car should both have the same pressure (but not neccessarily the same pressure as the front tires.) Write a program that reads in the pressure of the four tires and writes a message that says if the inflation is OK or not.
A salesman is given
bonus as a percentage of the sales he makes according to the following table:
SALES < 1000.00 |
1 % OF SALES |
1000.00 <= SALES < 3000.00 |
2 % OF SALES |
3000.00 <= SALES |
4 % OF SALES |
Write a main program to read the amount of sales and print the bonus.
3. Write a program that reads interger numbers from the user and prints the Times table [1 ..12] for that number.