LAB#12:   Implementation of Open Hashing Methods


1.       To put into practice the concepts learnt in the lectures on Hashing, including

a.       Collision

b.       Collision resolution schemes

2.       To implement different collision resolution techniques under open addressing hashing:

a.       Linear probing

b.       Double hashing

c.       Quadratic probing

  1. To experiment with the insert(), find() and withdraw() operations in open hash tables.


1.  Downloadables:

Download and unzip it under the ics202 main folder.


     After unzipping, the following files will be updated/added to the ics202 package:





     The following files will be placed in the ics202.lab12 sub-package:






2.      Task1

Study each of the files,,, and carefully.


       NOTE:  Usually the  objects  inserted in a hash-table  are Association  objects.  To simplify  the  lab  tasks, we will use  Integer  objects.

3.      Task2  (Linear  probing)

Go through the file and complete the missing code as indicated by the comments in that file.  Use a hash-table of size 13. After that, compile the file and run it. Choose option 4 to display the contents of the Hash table. You should get the following output:

Note: The output  agrees with the following computations:

4.  Task3  (Linear probing)

Complete the class OpenScatterTable2 (in ics202.lab12 sub-package) that extends OpenScatterTable as indicated by the comments in that file.  Your must also modify the program so that it calls an appropiate transactionReport method after each successful or unsuccessful operation. A sample session of the program is:


This indicates that the object 22 was inserted at location 11 of the Hash table after three probes at location 9, 10, and 11. It also indicates that the object 48 was not found in the Hash table after four probes at locations 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Note: You need to use try-catch blocks when calling the insert and withdraw methods. 

      Test your programs by inserting the keys in the array {18, 26, 35, 9} in a hash-table of size 13, followed by the operations find(15), find(48),

        withdraw(35), find(9), insert(64), insert(47), and find(35) in this order. Your output must agree with the  the following computations:



5.      Task 4  (Double hashing  and  Quadratic  probing)

So far, we have been using linear probing technique for collision resolution.  That is, we have used probing sequence:


     hi(key) = (h(key) + c(i)) % tableSize, where c(i) = i, for i = 0,1,2,…, tableSize-1.

            and    h(key) = key % tableSize

Now, you will implement and experiment with the other collision resolution schemes covered in the lectures.

a.      Double hashing, with  c(i) = i*hp(key),  where:


h(key) = key % tableSize

hp(key) = 1 + (key % (tableSize - 1))


by completing the class OpenScatterTable3 that extends OpenScatterTable2  as  indicated  in the comments  in  that file.

Use the following problem to test your program: Insert the keys in the array {18, 26, 35, 9, 64}  followed by the keys 47, 96, 36, and 70  in this order, in an empty hash table of size 13. 


Your output must agree with the following computations:

        h0(18) = (18%13)%13 = 5
        h0(26) = (26%13)%13 = 0
        h0(35) = (35%13)%13 = 9
        h0(9) = (9%13)%13 = 9 collision
            hp(9) = 1 + 9%12 = 10
            h1(9) = (9 + 1*10)%13 = 6
        h0(64) = (64%13)%13 = 12
        h0(47) = (47%13)%13 = 8
        h0(96) = (96%13)%13 = 5 collision
            hp(96) = 1 + 96%12 = 1
            h1(96) = (5 + 1*1)%13 = 6 collision
            h2(96) = (5 + 2*1)%13 = 7
        h0(36) = (36%13)%13 = 10
        h0(70) = (70%13)%13 = 5 collision
            hp(70) = 1 + 70%12 = 11
            h1(70) = (5 + 1*11)%13 = 3

b. Quadratic probing, with :

     c(i) = ±i2 for i = 0,1, 2,…,(tableSize - 1)/2

    by completing the class OpenScatterTable4 that extends OpenScatterTable2   as indicated in the comments in that file. Use the

    following problem to test your program: Insert the keys in the array {23, 13, 21, 14} followed by the keys 7, 8, and 15 ,in this

    order, in a hash table of size 7 using quadratic probing with the hash function: h(key) = key % 7


    Your output must agree with the following computations:

                h0(23) = (23 % 7) % 7 = 2
                  h0(13) = (13 % 7) % 7 = 6
                  h0(21) = (21 % 7) % 7 = 0
                  h0(14) = (14 % 7) % 7 = 0         collision
   h1(14) = (0 + 12) % 7 = 1
                 h0(7) = (7 % 7) % 7 = 0               collision

                             h1(7) = (0 + 12) % 7 = 1    collision

   h-1(7) = (0 - 12) % 7 = -1   
   NORMALIZE:  (-1 + 7) % 7 = 6    collision
   h2(7) = (0 + 22) % 7 = 4
                  h0(8) = (8 % 7)%7 = 1                collision    
     h1(8) = (1 + 12) % 7 = 2    collision
     h-1(8) = (1 - 12) % 7 = 0     collision
                               h2(8) = (1 + 22) % 7 = 5
                    h0(15) = (15 % 7)%7 = 1            collision    
     h1(15) = (1 + 12) % 7 = 2    collision
     h-1(15) = (1 - 12) % 7 = 0     collision
       h2(15) = (1 + 22) % 7 = 5     collision
     h-2(15) = (1 - 22) % 7 = -3
    NORMALIZE:  (-3 + 7) % 7 = 4    collision    
                          h3(15) = (1 + 32)%7 = 3