V  I  T  A





Name                :        DR. MUBARAK AL-BURAIK AL-GHAMDI


Age                    :        (55-60?) Precisely unknown?! No birth certificate to show it!


Nationality       :        Saudi citizen


Social Status  :        Married


Rank                 :        Assistant Professor






1.                  Ph. D. in Labor Economics, Monetary Economics, Natural Resources/

Environmental Economics from West Virginia University (1988), USA.


            2.         M.A. in Environmental/Energy Economics from University of Washington,

                        Seattle (1979), USA.


3.         M.S. in Urban Economics and Transportation Economics from University

of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1973), USA.


            4.         B.S. in Economics and Political Science from University of Wisconsin-

                        Whitewater (1970), USA.


                        AREAS OF INTERESTS:


                        Labor Economics

                        Managerial Economics

                        Human Resource Economics (Human Capital)

                        Monetary Economics

                        Energy/Environmental Economics

                        Economic Theories









1.         Undergraduate Level:  Taught different Economics courses such as Microeconomics (101), Macroeconomics (202); Managerial Economics (401), Engineering Economics (403), Intermediate Microeconomics (301), Money & Banking (305), and others.


2.         Graduate Level:  Taught MBA Economics Core Courses:  Advanced Micro and Macro-economic Theories (501), and Advanced Managerial Economics (510), both of these two advanced courses for (4) consecutive academic years (1991-1995).


3.         Graduate Projects:              Supervised many computer-oriented projects undertaken by Graduate Students as part of their MBA course requirements during four years.


4.         Undergraduate Projects:  Supervised and directed several coop projects undertaken by graduating senior students as part of their Degree requirements.




h        Al-Hossan Institute, Dammam, KSA.  I taught several courses in economics such as global economics, principles of economics, financial management (undergraduate), international business law and its environment, and managerial economics (both graduate courses).  These courses were extension courses for BA and MBA degrees through City University, Seattle, Washington, USA.




            A.        Published Work:   In collaboration with Dr. M.A. Choudhury and Dr.   Y.

                        Umar, we co-authored  three papers as follows:


                         1)        The first was entitled “Political Economy of Infant Industry

                                    Protection in the Context of Globalization:  A Case for Structural

                                    Change  which has been included as  Chapter 8 in a book of

                                    readings entitled Political Economy of Structural transformation

                                 ( Wisdom House,  UK) written by M.A..Choudhury  and M. H. Alias                               



                          2)     The second paper is a modified version of the one stated in (1)

                                   above and entitled “Ummatic Globalization  Versus Neoclassical

                                   Capitalist Globalization:  Formalism and Application,” published 

                                    recently in the Review of Islamic Economics, No. 12



                            3)     The third paper is also an extended different version of the first

                                     one above and entitled “Political economy of Infant Industry

                                     Protection in the Context of Globalization:  The Case of Saudi

                                     Arabia,” which is kept as a working paper at the Department of

                                     Finance & Economics, CIM, KFUPM.


                 B.          Completed Research Work under Review for Publication and /

                                or Presentation: 


                               1)      A paper co-authored by myself and Dr. Salem Al-Ghamdi,

                                         entitled “An Empirical Study of the Attitudes of the  Saudia

                                          Employees about the Prospects of its Privatization,” which is

                                          submitted for presentation and publication at the Second  

                                           Conference on Administrative Sciences:  Meeting the

                                           Challenges  of the  Globalization  Age,    to be held on April 

                                           19-21, 2004.


                  C.           Research Work in Progress:


                                 1)       Comparative Study of Economic Development in the Light of

                                            Petroleum-related Sectoral Linkages Diversification:  The

                                            Case of Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Canada . (several co-

                                             investigators led by Dr. M. A. Choudhury).


                                   2)       Determinants of Foreign Labor Composition in Saudi Labor





h        Reviewed several research proposals in Arabic and English undertaken by faculty members of KAAU (1988).


h        Participated in an economic investigation (in Arabic) published in “AL-IKTISAD” monthly magazine (May 1991).


h        Designed a tentative Master’s Degree proposal in Economics (1992).


h        Participated in designing a Master’s Program in Finance (MSF) with Dr. Anthony Herbst, an American Visiting Professor in Finance & Economics (1991-1992).


h        Participated in short courses for Saudi Aramco employees entitled:


                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (1994/1st Sem.)

                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (1995/1st Sem.)

                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (1995/2nd Sem.)

                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (1996/2nd Sem.)

                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (1997/2nd Sem.)

                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (1998/1st  Sem.)

                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (1999/2nd Sem.)

                        h        “CMA Exam Review Course”                      (2000/2nd Sem.)

h        CIA  Exam  Review Course”                   (2003/2nd  Sem)

                        h        “CIA Exam Review Course”             (2003/2nd Sem)

h        Reviewed and evaluated two (2) research papers by two faculty members at KAAU (Dec. 1997).


h        Worked as a liaison between CIM and British Educational Council (1991-1992).


h        Revised and re-wrote a proposal for establishing a Chair in Energy Economics (November 1998).


h        Created topical outlines for some Finance and Economics courses (March 1998).


h        Worked as Chairman for an Ad Hoc Committee:  to develop “Advising Handbooks” (in Arabic & English for students and faculty members [1996-1997]).


h        I gave  several lectures and consultations to several graduate students at Al-Hossan Institute in Dammam, March/April, 2000.


h        Reviewed and evaluated the following research proposals sent to me by KACST:


1)         “The Economic and Social Effects of Unemployment in the Saudi Society”, in May, 2000.


2)         “Allocation of Jobs in the Trade Sector in Saudi Arabia”, in June, 2001.


3)         “Money Laundering in Saudi Arabia”, in June, 2001.


 4)      A big technical report entitled “The Technical Report:  Part One”—an empirical estimation, [in Arabic], finished (June  2003).


h        Reviewed and evaluated a big educational project proposed by KFUPM            which is entitled “B.Sc. with Diploma in Education” which is intended for            KFUPM graduates as prospective teachers in the public school system           of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


h        Reviewed and evaluated a manuscript titled:  “Productivity Growth and            its Effect on Production System,” submitted to the upcoming  Second             Conference on Administrative Sciences , to be held on April 19-21,            2004.  The manuscript was finished on October 4, 2003.


h        Reviewed and evaluated another manuscript titled:  “Privatization                         Problem,” submitted to the upcoming Second Conference on                         Administrative Sciences, to be held on April 19-21, 2004.  The      manuscript  was completed on October 8, 2003.     




h        Worked as a “Loan Counselor” in Home Ownership Division in Aramco (1961-1964).


h        Worked as a “Field Representative” with Aramco (1964-1967).


h        Joined KFUPM in 1973 to the present.




            I have been either an active member or Chairman in the following committees at the University and College (CIM) levels:


              1.       Personnel Affairs Committee                                  (1988-1989)


              2.       Publications Review Committee                             (1990-1993)


              3.       Textbooks Committee                                              (1990-1991, 1993-1998)


              4.       Faculty Screening Committee                                 (1990-1998)


              5.       Ad Hoc Committee for Translating the                   (2nd Sem. 1991)

                        Finance Major Program into Arabic (Chairman)


              6.       Ad Hoc Committee for Evaluation of:                     (2nd Sem. 1991)

                        (1)  Best Teacher Award Nominee, and

                        (2)  Best Advisor Award Nominee


              7.       Bids Opening Committee                                        (1992-1993)


              8.       Continuing Education Committee                           (1992-1993)



              9.       Ad Hoc Committee (on MBA) Revision                 (2nd Sem. 1997-1998)

                        Input and Updating Fin & Econ courses

            10.       Ad Hoc Committee (for developing                                    (1992-1993) 

                        Arabic & English brochures) for the

                        Fin & Econ Dept.


            11.       Re-admission & Academic Evaluation                              (1993-1994)



            12.       Curriculum Committee                                                         (1993-1994)


            13.       Promotions Committee                                                        (1993-1994)


            14.       Ad Hoc Committee/formed by the Vice Rector,                (1996-1997)

                        1996 for developing two (2) Advising

                        Handbooks (in Arabic and English) for

                        Students and faculty members; they were

                        Completed and submitted to the Vice Rector

                        On April 29, 1997, (I had the honor to be the



            15.       Textbooks Committee                                                          (1998-1999)


            16.       Faculty Screening Committee                                             (1998-1999)


            17.       Research/Seminar Promotion Committee                        (1998-1999)


            18.       Economics Courses Waiver Committee (Chairman)       (1998-1999)


            19.       “Training & Saudiization National Plan”                             (1997-1999)

                        Committee, formed by HE The Rector

                        Of KFUPM, as decreed by HRH Prince

                        Naif Ibn Abdul-Aziz, Minister of Interior


            20.       Faculty Screening Committee                                             (1999-2000)


            21.       Economics Courses Waiver Committee (Chairman)       (1999-2000)



            22.       Economics Courses Waiver Committee (Chairman)       (2000-2001)


            23.       Faculty Screening Committee (Member)                           (2000-2001)



            24.       Economics Courses Waiver Committee (Chairman)       (2001-2002)


            25.       Faculty Screening Committee (Member)                           (2001-2002)                         

            26.       Textbook Committee (Member)                                          (2002-2003)


            27.       Curriculum Committee (Member)                                       (2002-2003)


            28.       Chairman of Ad Hoc Committee, appointed by the          (Nov. 2002)

                   Chairman of Fin & Econ Dept., to review and study

                        The requirement for re-admission of old students.




            -           “Distinguished Student Advising Award”                           (1992)


            -           “Certificate of Recognition for Distinction”             (1992)

                        in Academic Advising


            -           “20 Year’s Service Award with KFUPM                             (1993)


           -           “30 Years Service Award with KFUPM                   (2003)


-           Letter of thanks and congratulations by our Dean of CIM, Dr. Aref Al Ashban, in recognition of my efforts for recent publications  and service for our College  (September 17, 2003).




            The Faculty Affairs Committee has been evaluating my annual performance and has continuously rated my overall performance as between “Very Good and Excellent!” since 1988 till the present.


 (Updated 29 December, 2003)