Near Surface Geophysics, Environmental/Engineering Geophysics, HydroGeophysics

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Department of Geosciences College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences

You can reach me at:
Phone Office: +966 13 860 2689, Cell. +966 53 725 1648
Fax: +966 13 860 2535


skype id: pantelis.soupios

SCOPUS Author ID, Research GATE ID

Available CV (English)

Personal Data

Born (10/01/1973) in Myrina Lemnos and grown up in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Marital Status : Married with Despoina Roussou and we have 3 boys.


1995 BSc in Geology with highest honours (7.54/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
1997 MSc in Applied Geophysics, Laboratory of Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
2000 PhD in Geophysics, Laboratory of Geophysics (supervised by C.B. Papazachos and G.N. Tsokas), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE and Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University (supervised by C. Juhlin), SWEDEN

Academic History

September 2018 - now

Professor of Near Surface Geophysics, King Fahd Univeristy of Petroleum and Minerals, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Sept. 2014 - August 2018

Professor, TEI Crete, Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Chania, Crete, Greece


Associate Professor, TEI Crete, Dept. of Natural Resources & Environment, Chania, Crete, Greece


Assistant Professor of TEI Crete, Department of Natural Resources & Environment, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEI Crete), Chania, Crete, Greece (Nov. 2002-Jan.2009)

Administrative Duties

1/1/2013-31/08/2014 Chair of Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, TEI Crete, Greece
1/9/2014-31/08/2018 vice-Chair of Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, TEI Crete, Greece

 Research Visits

01 April – 30 July 2017 4 months research (sabbatical) visit to Rutgers University, Near Surface Geophysics Group, Newark, New Jersey, USA
03-10 Sept 2016 Research visit to Universita degli studi di Napoli - Federico II and University of Basilicata in ITALY
04 March - 30 March 2014 Research visit to Rutgers University in NJ, USA in the framework of THALIS (MIS 380207) project in the field of BioGeophysics
April 2011 Universita degli studi della Basilicata - ITALY
Jan-June 2009 6 months as visiting professor at Ankara University in TURKEY, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
December 2008 Research visit to Universita degli studi di Napoli - Federico II and University of Basilicata in ITALY
Oct. 1997 - July 1998 Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University - SWEDEN (supervised by C. Juhlin)
August 1998 Participation in the IISS2 School entitled: Computational Inversion Insight and Algorithms, in DENMARK Technical University (Per Christian Hansen, Arnold Neumaier, Bo Holm Jacobsen and Klaus Mosegaard)

Participation in Research Projects

My research activity has been realized mainly in the Geophysical Laboratory and the Laboratory of Geophysics & Seismology of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. I have been working in these Laboratories since 1993 and participated actively in more than 50 research programs in the following fields, Archaeological Prospection, Geotechnical Studies, Earthquake Engineering, Geophysical Studies, Water Resources Detection, GeoEnvironmental Studies.

Teaching experience - MSc/MPhil/PhD co-supervision

From 2002-June 2018 (TEI Crete, Greece) I taught the following courses,

Undergraduate courses

Graduate courses

  • Groundwater Resources and Hydrogeological Risk, MSc course in Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks, TEI Crete

  • Geophysical Prospecting - Methods and Environmental Applications, MSc course in Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks, TEI Crete

  • Applied Geology and Geoenvironmental Resources, MSc course in Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks, TEI Crete

  • Seismic Imaging & Well Logging, Technical University of Crete, GREECE

  • Geothermic and drilling techniques, MSc course in Energy Systems, TEI Crete

Currently, I am teaching the following courses,

Undergraduate courses

  • GEOP 353 - Geoelectrical and Electromagnetic Methods, KFUPM (2nd Semester, 182)

Graduate courses

Present Research Collaborations

In the framework of common projects, publications, etc. I have collaborated with the following institutions/persons.

Publication - Google Scholar Citations

I have published papers in international journals and proceedings and I am the main author in technical reports.


The following software written in FORTRAN and C and compiled at Linux/SunOS are available.


Last updated: February 21, 2019