Current Semester (Term 152)

General Info.

A)     Instructor

1.     Abdulaziz Al-Khulaifi.

2.     Building#59 Room#0012-5.

3.     Office Hours:  Note: email me before coming




B)     Labs Teaching

1.     EE200

      A) Section#51          (Sunday       02:00pm-4:40pm)

      B) Section#55          (Monday      02:00pm-4:40pm)

      C) Section#61          (Wednesday 02:00pm-4:40pm)

2.     EE204

      A) Section#66          (Thursday    02:00pm-4:40pm)


C)    Lab Rules

1.     You will lose 0.1 point for every 5 minutes late.

2.     You will lose 0.5 point for each unexcused absent.

3.     Lab reports mostly done on the lab not in home.

4.  Lab reports are done individually.

5.  Cheating will not be tolarated.




D)     Important Regulations

1.     Attend the lab on time with your section.

2.     Mobile phones are NOT allowed.

3.     Do the Pre-Labs and assignments by your own.


Wish you a nice semester,,,
Abdulaziz Al-Khulaifi