a.    My Journal Publications

1.      A.M. Ibrahim, M.I. Marei, S.F. Mekhamer, M.M. Mansour, "ANN-based approach            using TLS-ESPRIT for protection of series compensated (TCSC) transmission lines",” Scientific         bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams University, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 767-783, June, 2007.

2.      Mohamed M. Mansour, S.F. Mekhamer, Nehad El-Sherif  "A modified particle swarm optimizer for the coordination of directional overcurrent relays" .   IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery , Vol 22, No. 3, July 2007, pp.1400-1410 .

3.      Neuro-Swarm for Correction of Distorted Secondary Current of Current     Transformer” Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams   university, Vol. 41, No. 3,         pp. 539-552, Sept. 2006.

4.      Mohamed H. El-Shafey, Mohamed M. Mansour, "Application of new frequency  estimation           technique to power system",  IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery , Vol 21, No. 3, July 2006, pp.           1045-

5.       S. El Safty, S. Gharib, M.M. Mansour, M.Abdel Latif, “ Discriminación  between transformar           faults and magnetizing inrush current using an integrated technique of discrete wavelet          analysis  and  artificial neural network”, Ain-Shams Univ, Faculty of Eng. Scientific Bulletin,          Prt. II,  Electrical Eng.,, Vol 40, No. 4, Dec. 31, 2005, pp. 759-73.

6.      A. Y. Abdelaziz,  A. M. Ibrahim, M.M. Mansour, H. E. Talaat, "Modern approaches for protection of series compensated transmission lines”, Electric Power Systems Research Journal,  75 (2005) 85-98.

7.      A Abdelaziz, Y. G. Mostafa, A. M. Ibrahim, M.M. Mansour, H. E. TalaatProtection of series compensated transmission line using traveling wave”, Ain-Shams Univ Scientific Bulletin, March 31st, 2004.

8.       H. Attia, F.Hashiesh, M.M. Mansour, H. Talaat, H. Mashaly, “A fault location estimation approach using synchronized sampling”, Ain-  Shams Univ Scientific Bulletin,   Sept. 30th, 2003.

9.      S.F.Mekhamer, M.E.El-hawary, , S.A.Soliman, M.A.Moustafa, M.M.Mansour, ”New  heuristic strategies  for reactive power compensation of redial distribution feeders”, IEEE Trans. On   Power  Delivery, Vol. 17, No.  4, Oct. 2002, pp.1128-1135.

10.  M.M.Mansour , H.E.Talaat, A.A. Hajjar, ”Ultra high speed relaying approach for six-phase  transmission lines”, IEEE Power Eng Review, Vol 22,  Issue 9, Sept. 2002, pp. 50-51

11.  A. Ahmed, M.H. Kalil, M.M.Mansour, M.A.L.Badr,"Current harmonics reduction of single-phase converters Using switched capacitor technique", Scientific Bulletin,  Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams Univ., Vol. 35, No. 4, Dec 31, 2000, pp 273-293.

12.  E.A.Mohamed, M.M.Mansour, S.El-Debeiky, K.G.Mohamed,”Egyptian unified grid hourly load  forecasting using artificial neural network”, Journal of electrical Power & Energy  Systems, Vol. 20, No.7, pp.495-500, 1998.

13.  A.Y.Abdelaziz, M.R.Irving, M.M.Mansour, A.M.El-Arabaty, .I.Nossier, ”Adaptive protection strategies for detecting power system out-of-step conditions using neural networks”, IEE Proc- Gener. Transm. Distrib. (Part C), Vol 145, No. 4,  July 1998, pp. 387-394.

14.  E.A.Mohamed, M.M.Mansour, S.El-Debeiky, K.G.Mohamed, N.D.RaoG.Ramakrishna, “Results of Egyptian unified grid hourly load forecasting using an artificial neural network  with  expert system  interface”, Electric Power  Systems Research 39 (1996), pp. 171-177.

15.  A.Y.Abdelaziz, M.R.Irving, M.M.Mansour, A.M.El-Arabaty, A.I.Nossier, ”Neural network-based adaptive out-of-step protection strategy for electrical power systems”, Engineering  Intelligent  System Journal, Vol 5, No 1 March 1997, pp.35-42.

16.  M.A.Mostafa, M.E.El-Hawary, G.A.N.Mbamalu, M.M.Mansour, K.M.El-Nagar, A.M.El Arabaty, "A computational comparison of steady state load shedding approaches  in electric  power systems", IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, Feb. 1997, Vol. 12,   pp. 30-37.

17.  M.E.El-Hawary, M.A.Mostafa, A.M.El-Arabaty, M.M.Mansour, K.M.El-Naggar, "A study of estimation  techniques for frequency relaying applications", Canadian Journal of Electrical &  Computer Eng., Vol. 21, No. 1, 1996,  pp. 9-20.

18.  M.A.Mostafa, M.E.El-Hawary, G.A.N.Mbamalu, M.M.Mansour, K.M.El-Nagar, A.M.El-Arabaty, “Steady-state load shedding schemes: a performance comparison”, Journal of Electric Power  Systems Research 38, 1996, pp.105-112.

19.  M.A.Mostafa, M.E.El-Hawary, M.M.Mansour, K.M.El-Nagar, A.M.El Arabaty, "Optimal dynamic load shedding using a Newton based dynamic algorithm", Int. Journal of Electric Power System Research, 34 (1995), pp.157-63.

20.  A.Y.Abdelaziz, M.R.Irving, A.M.El-Arabaty and M.M.Mansour, "Out-of-step prediction based on artificial neural networks", Int. Journal of Electric Power  System Research, 34, 1995, pp.135-42.

21.  A.M.El-Arabaty, H.A.Talaat, M.M.Mansour, A.Y.Abd-Elaziz, "Out-of step detection based on pattern recognition", Int. Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol 16, No. 4, 1994, pp. 269-275 .

22.  H.A. Talaat, Mohamed M. Mansour, "A pattern recognition clustering technique for transient stability assessment", Ain-Shams Univ., Eng. Bulletin, Vol 27, No. 1, March, 1992, pp. 267-84 .

23.  Mohamed M. Mansour, M.F. Salem, I.E. Helal, "A microprocessor-based induction motor thermal protective relay", Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin. 25/2, 1990 .

24.  H.S. Heneady, M.A.Morsy Shanab, M.M.Mansour, "A simulation approach for performance evaluation of power system relaying algorithm", Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Scientific Bulletin, No. 24/3, Dec. 31st., 1989.

25.  Mohamed M. Mansour, "DISCUSSION ON: travelling wave distance protection-problem areas and solutions, by E.H. Shehab-Eldin and P.G. Mc Laren", IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Volume 3, NO. 3 July 1988,pp.  894-902.

26.  M.M Mansour and G.W. swift, "Design and testing of a multi- microprocessor  travelling wave relay", IEEE Trans., Vol. PWRD-1, NO. 4, Oct. 1986, pp.74-82.

27.  Mohamed M. Mansour, "DISCUSSION ON: A new approach to EHV direction comparison protection using digital signal processing techniques,  By: A.T. Johns,...et al", IEEE Trans., Vol PWRD-1 NO. 2, April 1986, pp 24-34..

28.  Mohamed M. Mansour, :DISCUSSION ON : Experience with the R-R dot out-of-step relay, By: J.M. Hamer....et al", ibid, pp. 35-39.

29.  M.M Mansour and G.W. Swift, " A multi-microprocessor traveling wave relay- theory and realization", IEEE Trans., Vol. PWRD-,NO.1,  January 1986,pp272-79.

30.   G.W. Swift and M.M.Mansour, "  DISUSSION ON: Transient signals and their    processing in ultra high speed directional relay for EHV/UHV transmission line protection", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-104 No 6, June 1985, pp 1463-73.



a.    My Conference Publications

1.      Phasor Measurement Units’ allocation using particle swarm for voltage stability  monitoring”, the Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2008), 6-7 Oct 2008,   Vancouver, BC, Canada.

2.      Wide Area transient stability prediction using on-line Artificial Neural Network”, ibid.            

3.      “Enhancing power system performance through using injection power upfc”, 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEENG,   Military Technical College Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt, 2008.

4.      "Overcoming The CT Saturation Effect On Unit Protection Schemes Using Fundamental        Phase Comparison Technique",6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEENG,   Military Technical College Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt, 2008

5.      "New Technique for Fault location in Interconnected Networks using Phasor Measurement  Unit", Mepcon 2008, Aswan, Egypt.

6.      A. Hajjar, M.M.Mansour,  Fault location for six phase transmission lines based     on the wavelet transform of the fault induced high frequency transients, 42nd UPEC2007, UK, 4th-6th 2007.

7.      " A hybrid strategy for distributed generators islanding detection", IEEE PES            PowerAfrica, 2007, South Africa 16-17 July 2007.

8.      "Examining power line communication on Egypt low voltage grid for AMR network", ibid

9.      S. El Safty, S. Gharieb, A. Badr, M. Mansour, “A wavelet Fuzzy Expert Technique for Classification of Power Transformer Transients,  2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, China, 2006.

10.  S.F. Mekhamer, Nehad El-Sherif, M.M. Mansour,, " Optimal Coordination of          Directional Overcurrent Relays co-ordination Using Particle Swarm Optimization",   MEPCON'2005,   Port Said Univ., Dec.2005.

11.  S.A.El-Kashlan, M. Abdel-Rahman, H. El-Desouki,.M. M Mansour,  "Controller design for a   bifurcating wind power system", Proceeding of  the 2005 IEEE Conference on Control   Application, Toronto, Canada, August   28-31, 2005, pp 625-630

12.  A. A. Hajjar, M.M.Mansour, H.E.A.Talaat, "High-phase order power transmission lines relaying approach based on the wavelet analysis of the fault generated traveling waves", Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2004. UPEC 2004. 39th International, Volume 2,  6-8 Sept. 2004 Page(s):805 - 809 vol. 1

13.  S.F. Mekhamer, Nehad El-Sherif, M.M. MansourA modified particle swarm optimizer applied to the solution of economic dispatch problem.”, ICEEC04, Ain-Shams Univ, Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 5-7, 2004

14.  "Power system restoration using expert system technique", ICEEC04, Ain-Shams niv, Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 5-7, 2004

15.  A. Abdelaziz, Y. G. Mostafa, A. M. Ibrahim, M.M. Mansour, H. E. Talaat,“A neural    network-based approach for protection of series compensated transmission line”,  MEPCON 2003, Dec. 2003.

16.  A. A. Hajjar, M.M.Mansour, H.E.A.Talaat, “Wavelets for six-phase transmission lines  relaying: fault classification and phase selection”, MELECON 2002, 11th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf., pp.235-239.

17.  S.F.Mekhamer, M.E.El-hawary, M.M.Mansour, M.A.Moustafa, S.A.Soliman,” State of the art in  optimal capacitor allocation for reactive power compensation in distribution feeders”, Large  Eng. Systems Conf. On Power Eng., LESCOPE 02, 2002, pp61-75.

18.  A. A. Hajjar, M.M.Mansour, H.E.A.Talaat, ”Signal processing using wavelet         transform for  power  transmission lines protection”, The 1st IEEE Intr. Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, IEEE ISSPIT 2001, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 28-30, 2001, pp.107-110.

19.  A. A. Hajjar, M.M.Mansour, H.E.A.Talaat, S.O.Faried, ”Distance protection for six-phase  transmission lines based on fault induced high frequency transients and wavelets”, IEEECCECE 2002, Canadian Conf, Vol: 1,pp.7-11.

20.   S.F.Mekhamer, M.E.El-hawary, M.M.Mansour, M.A.Moustafa, .A.Soliman,”Fuzzy and  heuristic techniques for reactive power compensation of redial distribution feeders: a comparative   study”,  ibid, pp.112-121.

21.  M.M.Mansour ,H.E.Talaat , M.T.El-Safty ,Z.A.Yousef, ”Design and implementation of a digital  overcurrent relay: a cooperation project between industry and university“, 4th Regional conference of Cigre committees in Arab Countries , Tripoli, Libya, 2001/03/21-19 conf.  Proceeding,  Volume 2, pp.321-326.

22.  Ammar A Hajjar, M.M.Mansour , H.E.Talaat, “Travelling wave-based protection of six-phase transmission lines”, ibid, pp.336-344.

23.  H.E.A.Talaat, S.El-Safty, S.El-Debeiky, M.M.Mansour, ”Fuzzy logic-based load        estimation for distribution system restoration”, 6th Int. Middle East Power System Conf., MEPCON’98,  Mansoura, Egypt, Dec.15-17, 1998, pp. 646-651.

24.  H.E.A.Talaat, S.El-Safty, M.M.Mansour, S.El-Debeiky, "A rule-based expert system for distribution system service restoration", IEEE Powertech'99 Conf., Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 29-Sept 2, 1999, Paper BT99-321-23.

25.       M.M. Rayan, M.M. Mansour, M.A. El-Sayed, M.S. Morsy,”Implementation and testing of digital controller for variable reluctance motor”, Applied Power Electronics Conf,  APEC’99,   14th annual, Vol. 1, 1999, pp. 430-33.

26.  Helal, A. A. ElKatib, M.M. Mansour, M.E. El-Hawary, “Certainty factor technique for faulted section estimation in electrical power networks”, 7th Inter. Middle –East  Power Conference, MEPCON’2000,  Cairo, Egypt, March  28-30, 2000, pp.616-623.

27.  M.A.Elsayad, M.M.Mansour, M.M.Rayan, M.S.Morsy,”A new approach for designing a  variable reluctance motor drive circuit”, 4th IEEE Intr. Conf. On Electronics, Circuits & Systems,  ICECS’97, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 15-18, 1997,  pp.608-612.

28.   M.A.Elsayad, M.M.Mansour, M.M.Rayan, M.S.Morsy, ”New design of a computer based  control  for switched reluctance motor drive system”, Ain- Shams Univ., Faculty of Eng    Bulletin, Vol.32, No. 4, Dec. 31, 1997. pp.529-542.

29.  A.Y.Abdelaziz, M.R.Irving, M.M.Mansour, A.M.El-Arabaty, A.I.Nosseir,”A neural network for adaptive out-of-step detection in power systems with varying topology”,4th Middle East Power  Conf.,MEPCON’96, Luxor, Egypt, January 1996, pp.329-333.

30.  W.M. Al-hasawi, N.H.Abbasy, M.M.Mansour,"Using fault induced transient and neural network for  T.L. ultra high speed fault detection and classification", IPST' 97-International conference on Power System Transients,  Seattle, June 22-26, 1997, pp. 412-17.

31.  I.E.Helal, M.M.Mansour, A.A.El-Katib, S.S.Shanan,”A new expert system for faulted section identification and protection system analysis”, 5th Int. Middle East Power Conf., MEPCON’97,  Alexandria, Egypt, Jan.4-5, 1997, pp. 606-612.

32.  W.A.Sief El-Islam, K.M.El-Naggar, M.S.Mansour, A.H.Amer, A.M.El-Arabaty, ”Detection of  high-impedance faults in medium voltage overhead distribution systems with variable fault  impedance”, ibid,  pp.568-572

33.  Y.G. Moustafa, A.H. Amer, M.M. Mansour, H.K. Temraz, M.A. Madkour, "An expert system for optimum switching pattern in distribution expansion planning",  Int. Symposium on Electricity Distribution in the Arab World (Co-sponsored by CIRED), Amman, Jordon, 3-6 June 1996.

34.  A. Seif El-Islam, K.M. El-Nagger, M.M. Mansour, A.H. Amer, A.M. El-Arabaty, "Detection of high impedance faults in low voltage distribution  system", ibid.

35.  Y.G. Moustafa, A.H. Amer, M.M. Mansour, H.K. Temraz, M.A. Madkour, "An artificial neural network for optimum topology in  distribution expansion  planning", CCECE96, Calgary, Canada.

36.  W.M.Al-Hassawi, N.H. Abbasi, M.M. Mansour, "A neural network-based approach  for fault classification and faulted phase selection", ibid.

37.  M.A.Mostafa, M.E.El-Hawary, A.M.El-Arabaty, M.M.Mansour, K.M.El-Naggar,        Estimation technique for Frequency Relaying",1995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sept 5-8, 1995, Montreal, Canada,  Sponsored by IEEE Canada.

38.  M.M.Mansour, "A computerized approach for measuring power system harmonics", MECET'95, Minia First Conf. in Eng. & Technology, Minia Univ., Minia, Egypt , Oct. 8-10, 1995.

39.  A.Y.Abdelaziz, M.R.Irving, A.M.El-Arabaty and M.M.Mansour,"Fast Prediction of out-of-step condition by artificial neural networks for power  system transient stability assessment",UPEC"95, Univ. of Greenwich, U.K.,  Sept 5-7, 1995.

40.  M.M.Mansour, M.A.El-Hadidy, M.S.Rizk, Y.G. Mostafa, "A knowledge-based        approach for protection system evaluation in Egypt power network", Int.Conf. on Large High Voltage Electric System; CIGRE, the 1st Regional Conf. for  Arab World, Cairo, Egypt January 22-23, 1995.

41.  M.M.Mansour, "Artificial Neural Network for transmission lines fault classification", ibid.

42.  H.F.Soliman,  A.M.Sharaf, M.M.MansourS.A.KandilM.H.El-Shafi, "Laboratory implementation of a fuzzy logic controller for a hybrid speed/current of a DC motor drive", 1st Int.Conf. on Electronics, Circuits &  System, Sponsored by IEEE and Ohio State Univ., Cairo, Egypt, Dec.19-22, 1994.

43.  A.K.El-Kharashi, R.Hmouda, M.M.Mansour, H.M.Attia, "Transient behavior  of a wind driven induction generator connected to a power system", ibid .

44.  M.M.Mansour, "Hierarchical neural network for power system protection", Cairo 3rd. Int. Conf. & Exhibition: Computer Applications in Industry, Cairo  Egypt, Dec. 26-29. 1994 .

45.  S.H.Morsy, M.M.Mansour, M.A.Madkour, "Knowledge-Based approach for        distribution systems protection coordination", ibid.

46.  46     H.M.Mashaly, A.M.Sharaf, M.M.Mansour, A.A.El-Sattar, "Photovoltaic maximum power tracking using tunable artificial neural networks", Int. Conf. on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems, ISAP'94, Montpellier,    France, Sept. 5-9, 1994.

47.  H.M.Mashaly, A.M.Sharaf, M.M.Mansour. A.A.El-Sattar, "Implementation of an artificial neural network based controller for a photovoltaic energy scheme", IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Walt Disney, Orlando, Florida, June 26 - July 2, 1994, pp.2545-49,vol. 4.

48.  H.F.Soliman, A.M.Sharaf, M.M.Mansour, S.A.Kandil, M.H.El-Shafi, "Naval adaptive artificial neural network based speed regulator for PMDC motor drive", ibid, pp2550-55, Vol.4.

49.  H.F Soliman, A.M.Sharaf, M.M. Mansour, S.A.Kandil, M.H.El-Shafi, "A tunable fuzzy logic controller for chopper-fed separately exited DC motor Driver",    MELECON'94, Sponsored by IEEE, Antalya, Turkey, April 12-14, 1994.Vol.2, pp.821-24.

50.  H.M.Mashaly, A.M.Sharaf. M.M.Mansour. A.A.El-Sattar,"Fuzy logic controller for   photovoltaic-utility interfacing scheme". ibid, pp.715-18, Vol.2.

51.  M.M.Mansour, M.A.El-Hadidy, M.S.M.Rizk, Yasser G. Moustafa. "An expert system enhanced by interfaced short circuit calculation for Egypt power network fault diagnosis", ibid, pp. 901-04, Vol.3.

52.  Mohamed M. Mansour, K.M.El-Naggar, M.A.Mostafa, "Performance Evaluation of frequency relaying algorithms", Al-Azhar Eng. 3rd Int. Conf. AEIC'93, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 18-21, 1993.

53.  H.M.Mashaly, A.M.Sharaf, Mohamed M. Mansour, A.A.El-Sattar, "Fuzzy logic controller for maximum power tracking in line-commutated photovoltaic inverter scheme", IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and  Computer Eng., Vancouver, Sept.  14-17, 1993 ,pp.1287-1290,Vol.2.

54.  H.E.A. Talaat, Mohamed M. Mansour, "Integration of protection and control for enhanced system performance", 2nd. Symposium on Electrical Energy  in the UAE, Al-Ain, UAE Nov. 17-19, 1991 .

55.  Mohamed M. Mansour, A. Al-Rawi, M. Khallat, "Prospects of expert system in Kuwait electric power industry", Gulf Expert System Symposium, May  7th-8th, 1990, Kuwait.

56.  Mohamed M. Mansour, "Microcomputer-based educational graphic packages for power system protection", Proceeding Intern. Conference Signals & Systems, Al-Ain (U.A.E), Jan. 29-31, 1990, Syosium ASME Press, Vol. 2, 137-146.

57.  M. M. Mansour, G.W.Swift, M.F. Salem, I.E. Helal, :A multi-function microprocessor-based relay", IFAC International Symposium on Power System and Power Plant Control, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 22-25 1989.

58.  Mohamed M. Mansour, Hossam E.A. Talaat, Ibrahim L.A. Labib, "Performance        evaluation of fault locator algorithms", Middle East Power Conference, MEPCON-89, Jan. 9-13, 1989, Cairo-Assiut, Egypt (co-sponsored by IEEE).

59.  Mohamed M. Mansour, Ahmed M. Al-Kandari, M.F. Salem, I.A. Helal, "A new microprocessor-based symmetrical components filter", 19th Pittsburgh Modelling and Simulation Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 5-6, 1988.

60.  Mohamed M. Mansour, "A methodology for studying the effect of harmonics  on ultra-high-speed relay", IEEE 1st. symposium  on Electric power Systems in Fast Developing Countries, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 21-24, 1987.

61.  Mohamed M. Mansour, "Improving the system reliability by multiple microprocessor-based relaying", ibid.

62.  Mohamed M. Mansour, " Addition of steady-state network solution including  load flow option to the U B C transients program :, Inter-departmental Report,  Dept of Elec. Eng., The University of British Columbia  (UBC), Canada, Aug. 1985.

63.  M.M. Mansour and G.W. Swift,  "Multi-microprocessor based travelling   wave  relay", IEE 3rd.  Inter. Conf. on Developments in power system protection ,  Venue, London, U.K., April 17-19, 1985 (pp. 91-95).

64.  G.W. Swift and M.M. Mansour, " Complex waveform signal generator for protective relay testing ", IEEE Inter. Communication and Energy Conf., Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2-4, 1984 (pp. 181-183).

65.  Mohamed M. Mansour, " Complex Waveform signal generator (C W S G):         procedure for data preparation and downloading:, Technical report, TR 84-3, Dept. of Elect. Eng., University of Manitoba, Canada, July 1984.

66.  M.M. Mansour and G.W. Swift, " A travelling wave relay featuring fault         classification and phase selection",  IEEE Mexicon 83, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Nov. 23-25, 1983 (pp. 42.2.1 - 42.2.5)



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