Announcements (303 - 55)


Welcome all of you in EE 303 Lab, i am sure you will enjoy a good time here.

Important Notes (Must read and abide all these rules)


  1. Every report must have a Printed Title Page, without title page report will never accepted.

  2. Download the format of report, by clicking here.

  3. As per university rules, three unexcused absences will cost the student as DN grade.

  4. Prelab reports are individual tasks while in Lab report you can work in group at most three students in a group

  5. Prelab reports should do  at your own, if two reports are similar, it will be assumed that you were copied from each other and give you a zero grade in that report.

Grading Policy

Lab Reports                  08%  Marks

Pre Lab Report              04%  Marks

Quizzes/Performance     02%  Marks

Lab Final                       06%  Marks

Stuff For Students
Download Helpful Stuff
Download Course Syllabus (As soon as i get it, will be posted here)
