Textbook Answers Chapter 7


(2)Answers to Cross-Checks

(3)Where’s Home?

1.      PUBLIC\USERS followed by their names.

2.      ConsoleOne at the Server Console, ConsoleOne at the workstation desktop, and NetWare Administrator at the workstation desktop.

(3)Your server’s partition size

3.      Answers will vary based upon their actual installation disk availability.

4.      Press C to create a partition.

(3)Your server’s indications

5.      That they are contained in a logical partition.

6.      There are four partitions—one extended partition has three logical drives.

(3)How tolerant

7.      Fault tolerance is the ability of a computer system to recover, or return to its original state, after some degree of system failure.

8.      Fault tolerance determines whether systems get implemented in the networking industry.

(3)Sharing prerequisites

9.      The NIC.

10.  The network neighborhood.

11.  File and Print Sharing.

(2)Answers to Key Term Quiz

1.                  network file system (NFS)

2.                  simple volume

3.                  directory (small d)

4.                  directory

5.                  extended partition

6.                  system partition

7.                  dynamic storage

8.                  RAID

9.                  spanned volume

10.              contiguous space

(2)Answers to Multiple-Choice Quiz

1.      d

2.      b

3.      c

4.      d

5.      a

6.      c

7.      b

8.      d

9.      a

10.  c

11.  b

12.  b

13.  c

14.  d

15.  a

(2)Answers to Essay Quiz

1.      Answers should liken the drawers, hanging folders, file folders, and documents of a filing cabinet to the volume, directory, subdirectory, and files of a Novell network file system, respectively, and to the disk (or volume), folder, subfolder, and files of a Microsoft network file system.

2.      Answers should include that just as unique naming in NDS is an important tool when attempting to locate specific objects, a filename’s syntax is an important tool when it comes to locating files. In order for the system to know where to look for the file, the syntax rules must be observed during the name’s creation so that you can be assured that the system looks in the intended location when putting the stored file to use.

3.      Answers should explain that the default Microsoft file (or folder) access is Full Control to the Everyone group. Control, therefore, is achieved by limiting those default permissions. On a NetWare network, no default rights are assigned once the operating system is installed. Therefore, total control is present by default. Only by lessening that control are users granted additional access.

4.      Answers should explain that the Deny permission on a Microsoft network stops the flow of rights from any direction. Novell’s IRFs can be used to similarly restrict the rights that would normally flow to a user through inheritance.

5.      Answers should include that mapping a drive makes data storage and retrieval easier and that you can map a drive to an object when you want to have the operating system recognize that object as a separate hard drive.