Informal/Short Report Topics for Semester 151
Information Report: Describing a Top University in the United Kingdom
Write an information report describing one of the top universities in the United Kingdom. As an introduction, give a brief introducuction when the university was established or founded and describe its location. In the body of the report describe the majors offered, programs and facilities of the university. Mentioned what majors the university are known for whether Business, Medical or Engineering, etc.. Just provide information about the university you are not making any recommendations.
Justification/Recommendation Report: Recommend which University to study your major in the United States
Write a recommendation report to describe which university you would recommend students studying in Engineering, Business or any other major. Describe the university in the introduction, state your reasons and justifications in the body to convince students to study at the university. Provide the pros, cons and costs of studying at that university. Finally recommend which university you would recommend.
Feasibility Report: Feasibility of Implementing Electronic White Boards for Classrooms at KFUPM
The University you are currently studying in is considering implementing electronic white boards throughout the school. You are to consider the practicality and advisability of following a course of action. You are to consider the background, benefits, problems, personnel, costs and time frame involved in implementing these boards. You are to focus on the decision, whether stopping or proceeding with these boards.