
Remember what this icon means??? Yes, that's right...It's an online discussion activity. So please go the the discussion board link (above) for instruction on how to access the discussion forums. After this, every time you see this icon you must participate in the online discussion forums.

Orientation 1.1 - Compulsory, terms and conditions

Go to the discussion forums and post an "I understand" message to the rules and conditions conference link.

Orientation 1.2 - Question for Police

Post your questions to the police on the discussion boards (also in Nicenet). I have organised headings for you to post questions in the discussion board based on the brainstorming we did in class. The Police will come to visit in week 3 to answer your questions.

You will have to post questions under the following headings:

Orientation 1.3 - Your Learning Style

Find out your learning style. There is a website I would like you to visit so I can find out what learning style you have. The purpose of this is so I can taylor the course to suite you. Please go to the Learning Style website so you can copy and paste your results in the conferencing link in Nicenet.

Grading rubric for online discussions | Nicenet Site

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