Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Urban Planning
Department of Urban Planning and Environment, School of
Architecture and the Built Environment, The Royal Institute of
Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) in
Development Studies specializing in Geography Department of
Geography at Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Norway
Bachelor of Urban and Rural Planning (B.URP)
Department of Urban and Rural Planning at Khulna University, Bangladesh
E-commerce induced Spatial Transition
Affordable Housing & Social Business
Urban Studies, Planning & Policies
Environmental Management
Graduate Course
CRP 506 Urban Planning Methods
CRP 534 Housing Policy
CRP 590 Special topics in City & Regional Planning
CRP 599 Seminar
CRP 601 Final Planning Projects (Thesis)
Undergraduate Course
CP 210 Planning Workshop I
CP 310 Planning Workshop II
CP 315 Planning Workshop III
CP 301 Urban Survey Methods
CP 422 Public Works Administration
CP 425 Urban Modeling
Journal Papers
Nahiduzzaman, K. M., Aldosary, A. S., Abdallah, A. S., Asif, M.,
Kua, H. W. and Alqadhib, A. M. (2018).
Households Energy Conservation in Saudi Arabia: Lessons Learnt from
Change-Agents Driven Interventions Program. Journal of Cleaner
Production, Vol. 185, pp. 998-1014
Hasan, M., Nahiduzzaman, K. M., and Aldosary, A. S. (2018).
Public participation in EIA: A comparative study of the projects run by
government and non-government organizations. Environmental Impact
Assessment Review, Vol. 72, pp. 12-24
Please read & download the paper for free until June 26, 2018:
Assi, K. J.,
Nahiduzzaman, K. M., Ratrout, N. and Aldosary, A. S. (2018)
(In Press).
Mode Choice Behavior of High School Goers: Evaluating Logistic
Regression and MLP Neural Network. Case Studies on Transport Policy
Ahmed, S. J.,
Nahiduzzaman, K. M. and Hasan, M. U. (2017).
Dhaka, Bangladesh: unpacking challenges and reflecting on unjust
transition. Cities, Vol. 77, pp. 142-157
Ishak, M.,
Nahiduzzaman, K. M. and Aldosary, A. S. (2017).
Pro-poor Urban Housing Provision in Ghana: Implementation Challenges and
House International,
Vol. 42, No. 4
Nahiduzzaman, K. M. (2017). Finding an Affordable Housing Option:
Social Business as the 'New' Policy Tool?
Policy Brief,
Issue: May, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina
& University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Rahman, T. M., Aldosary, A.
S., Nahiduzzaman, K. M., and Reza, I. (2016).
Vulnerability of flash flooding in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
pp. 1-24
Chelleri, L., Kua, H., Rodrigues, J., Nahiduzzaman,
K. M. and Thondhlana, G., (2016). Are People Responsive to a More
Sustainable, Decentralized, and User-Driven Management of Urban
Metabolism? Sustainability, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 1-12
K. M., Aldosary,
A. S. and Rahman, T. M. (2015). Flood induced Vulnerability in Strategic
Plan Making Process of Riyadh City.
Vol. 49, pp. 375-385
Under Review
Nahiduzzaman, K.
M., Aldosary, A.
S. and
Ishak, M., “E-commerce
induced Shift? A Framework Analysis of the Spatial Structure of a
Nahiduzzaman, K.
M., Aldosary, A.
S. and Ahmed, S. “Urban Cohesion vis-à-vis Organic Spatialization of
‘Third Places’ in Khobar City, Saudi Arabia”
Mohammed, I. &
Nahiduzzaman, K.
M., Determinants
of Neighborhood Choice Decision in Urban Enclaves: Evidence from
United Nation (UN) Bulletin:
Ahmed, S. and Nahiduzzaman, K.M. (2016). Impacts of
rural accessibility on Women Employment: The case of South west
Bangladesh, Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the
Pacific, Vol. 86, Issue: Sustainable Rural Access, UNESCAP
Book Chapters
Ahmad, S.,
Nahiduzzaman, K. M. and Bramely, G., (2014). From a Town to a Megacity:
400 Years of Growth IN Dewan, A. and Corner, R. (eds.) Dhaka Megacity:
Geospatial Perspectives on Urbanisation, Environment and Health, Springer
Nahiduzzaman, K. M.
and Aldosary, A. S. (2012). City structure in transition. A conceptual
discourse on the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) IN
Cakir, A. & Pablos, O. P. (eds.) Social Development and High Technology
Industries: Strategies and Applications, IGI-Global, Chapter 13, pp.
Nahiduzzaman, K. M.,
Ahmed, S. J. & Rahman, K. R. (2002). Public environmental awareness regarding
the use of polythene bags: before and after effects of the ban over their
use and production, Bangladesh Environment 2002, Vol. 2
Haas, T. and
Nahiduzzaman, K. M. (eds.) (2008). The Regional City: Sustainable
Regions and Communities of Place, KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology)
Press, Stockholm: ISBN 978-91-7178-868-9
Conference Proceedings
L., Kua, H., Rodrigues, J., Thondhlana, G., Nahiduzzaman,
K. M., and Abdullatif, A. (2015). Exploring the User-Driven
Implications in Building Urban Sustainability and Resilience: Lessons from
OURS CITIES Global Network Study Cases. In Proceedings of the 8th Conf.
Int. Forum Urban., 22–24 June 2015; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series,
Vol. 8, 2015 , A006; doi:10.3390/ifou-A006
Nahiduzzaman, K. M.
and Billah, M. (2003). Prospect and efficiency of 3D visualization of urban
settings: exploration into the nature and extent of applications in planning
affairs Presented at the international workshop titled ‘Challenges in
Geospatial Analysis, Integration and Visualization II’ Commission IV Joint
Workshop organized by International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing (ISPRS) in September 8-9, 2003 Stuttgart, Germany.
Nahiduzzaman, K. M.,
and Alam, S. (2004). Earthquake, a menace to the third world cities:
concentrations on some challenging issues; Published in the refereed
proceedings (CD & Book) of international conference on Asia Conference on
Earthquake Engineering (ACEE 2004- Manila, Philippines), 5-6 March,
2004, organized by Association of Structural Engineer of Philippines (ASEP).
Nahiduzzaman, K. M.
and Haas, T. (2008). Micro–Climatic House Design: A Way to Adapt to Climate
Change through Urban Design? Presented at the 3rd Congress of
Council for European Urbanism, Climate Change and Urban Design; Oslo,
Norway, September 13-16, 2008
April 2017 –
April, 2019
Place-Based Health Indicators: Toward Healthy Neighborhoods in Saudi
Funded by Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), KFUPM,
Saudi Arabia;
Co-Principal Investigator;
Research Grant:
40,897 US$
May 2016 – August, 2018
“Analysis of building
energy use patterns and models for renewable energy efficiency
technologies of residential and commercial buildings in Saudi Arabia”;
Funded by KA-CARE
(King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy),
Saudi Arabia;
Research Grant
(Phase-I): 240,000 US$
September 2016 – September 2018
sample test for the Saudi NHTS (National
Household Travel Survey):
Demonstration in Riyadh”. Funded by
(King Abdulaziz
City for Science and Technology),
Saudi Arabia
NSTIP (National Science,
Technology and Innovation Program)
track; Research Grant: 522,400 US$;
Principal Investigator
December 2013 –
December 2015
User-driven Resilience for Sustainability
transitions in CITIES”; Funded by Watson Institute at
Brown University, USA; Seed Grant: 10,000 US$; Duration:
Role: Lead Principal Investigator
March 2012 – December
Riyadh Resilient to Future Floods: A Geospatial Approach to Reduce
Funded by
KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology),
Saudi Arabia
under NSTIP (National Science, Technology and Innovation Program) track;
Research Grant:
251,740 US$;
May 2011 –
January 2014
“Re-designing the Community: Walkability as the Prime Determinant of
Sustainability”. A GIS Application in Doha and Dana Districts of
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Funded by: Deanship of Scientific
Research, KFUPM,
Saudi Arabia;
Research Grant: 40,000 US$; Role: Co-Investigator
April 2009 – June
"Socio-Cultural Analysis of Third Places through GIS: A case
study of Al-Khobar" Funded by: Deanship of Scientific Research,
Research Grant: 96,000 US$; Role: Co-Investigator
February 2003 – March 2004
GIS based
automation of database on poverty; Role: Co-Investigator;
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh;
Research Grant: 8,700 US$;
January 2002 – January 2003
Land use Planning and Environmental Management for Salinity affected
Regions of Bangladesh: A Case Study on Rupsha Thana” (higher
education link program between Urban and Rural Planning Discipline,
Khulna University and University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK);
Funded by: British Council and DFID, UK;
Research Grant: 45,000 US$; Role: Co-Investigator.
February 2001 – February 2002
"Tourism and the
Fisherman Communities of Kuakata: Strategies for their Sustenance in an era
of Globalization"; Role: Research Assistant; Duration:
2001-2002; Funded by: DFID, UK under SUFER
project; Research Grant: 12,000 US$
(Asian Development Bank
Institute) fellowship to attend workshop “Urbanization in Asia: Economic
and Social Consequences” in Seoul, SOUTH KOREA,
December 15-16, 2016;
Excellence in Teaching Award 2014,
KFUPM, Saudi Arabia;
Excellence in Advising Award 2017,
KFUPM, Saudi Arabia;
sponsored BIARI
Fellowship 2013;
by International Labour Organization (ILO), International
Social Security Association (ISSA) and German Social
Accident Insurance (DGUV) to attend “XX World Congress
on Safety and Health at Work 2014” in Frankfurt, GERMANY;
August 24-27, 2014;
PhD Fellowship
Department of Urban
Planning and Environment, KTH, SWEDEN;
Knut and Alice
Wallenberg Foundation,
4 Months grant
for PhD Field
Study: June – September, 2008;
NOMA (erstwhile
NORAD) Fellowship:
Master of Philosophy (2004-06) in Development Studies at Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NORWAY;
Master of Philosophy (2004-06) in Development Studies at Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NORWAY (Declined);
ADB (Asian
Development Bank) Fellowship:
Master of Science (2004-06) in Urban Planning at the University of
Hong Kong, HONG KONG (Declined);
NOMA (erstwhile
NORAD) Fellowship:
2 months Travel grant for MPhil Field Survey;
Scholarship (February, 2006):
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen,
DENMARK for conducting a part of the MPhil Dissertation;
ADPC (Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center) Fellowship:
An international workshop titled “Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction
for Cities”, July, 2003 at BRAC Center for Development & Management
Board of Bangladesh’ Scholarship
during the 4 years (1997-2001) undergraduate study for holding a
distinguished grade in the higher secondary certificate (HSC)
University Merit’ Scholarship
during the 4 years (1997-2001) undergraduate program for being the top
1% student in the class;
14-17, 2016
Regional Science Association’s (WRSA)
55th annual meeting in
Big Island,
Hawai’i, USA;
Funded by: Deanship of scientific research, King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia
February 15-18, 2015
Regional Science Association’s (WRSA)
54th annual meeting in
Tucson, Arizona, USA;
Funded by: Deanship of scientific research, King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia
February 16-19, 2014
Regional Science Association’s (WRSA)
53rd annual meeting in
San Diego, California, USA;;
Funded by: Deanship of scientific research, King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia
March 19-22, 2014
Affairs Association’s (UAA) 44th Annual (UAA) Meeting
in San Antonio, Texas, USA; Funded by: Deanship of
scientific research, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia
24-27, 2013
Regional Science Association’s (WRSA)
52nd annual meeting in
Santa Barbara, California,
USA; Funded
by: Deanship of scientific research, King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia
February 27 - March 2, 2011
Regional Science Association’s (WRSA)
50th annual meeting in
Monterey, California, USA;
Funded by: Deanship of scientific research, King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia
February 22–25, 2009
Regional Science Association’s (WRSA)
48th annual meeting in
Napa, California, USA;
February, 2009; Funded by: Deanship of scientific research, King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia
22–25, 2006
Regional Science Association’s (WRSA)
44th annual meeting in
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA;
Funded by: Dept. of Geography, NTNU and NOMA (erstwhile NORAD),
Reviewer of International Research Projects:
2011 –
National Research Fund (QNRF), Qatar
on “Urban Environmental Planning and Sustainable Development” under the
following domains:
National Priorities Research Program (NPRP)
Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP)
Junior Scientists Research Experience Program (JSREP)
Secondary School Research Experience Program (SSREP)
2015 –
Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa
Guest (invited) Speaker:
4, 2017
Invited by the Dept. of Global Development & Planning, University of
Agder (UiA), Kristiansand, Norway
November 15, 2016
Invited by the ‘Policy Brief’ organizer at Johnson Shoyama Graduate
School (JSGS) of Public Policy, University of Regina, Regina, Canada
September 5, 2016
Invited by the department of Urban and Regional Planning at
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) to give a
presentation on ‘E-commerce and its impact on city’s environment, recreation
and social life’
July 20, 2016
Invited by the Long Range Planning branch at the City of Regina,
Saskatchewan, Canada to talk on ‘E-commerce induced spatial shift in the
city structure’.
29-31, 2016
Jointly invited by UN-HABITAT and Ministry of Municipalities and
Rural Affairs (MOMRA), Saudi Arabia: 1st Saudi Urban Forum
– Moderns Trends in Urban Planning:
Presentation Title: Cities in Critical Transition: The need for “Third

Published in 'Makkah Newspaper':
March 16, 2012
Invited by the Department of Geography, Norwegian University of Science &
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway for a public lecture
based on published book chapter titled “City Structure in Transition:
A Conceptual Discourse on the Impact of ICT”;
Committee Member for International Conference:
December 2013 - February 2014
International City Planning Conference and Exhibition in Jubail Industrial
Organized by
Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Saudi Arabia;
Scientific Paper Reviewer for WRSA
Regional Science Association)
2006 –
Reviewer for scientific papers submitted to WRSA’s Annual Meetings
Coordinator/Lecturer for Professional Short Courses:
2011 –
Working as a coordinator for the following week-long training courses
offered to the professionals employed at public and private organizations in
the GCC region (Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, etc.):
Advanced Short Course on GIS;
Frequency of offering: 3-4 times a year; Enrolment: Max. 20;
Course Fee: 2000 US$.
Managing Natural Disaster;
Frequency of offering: 3-4 times a year; Enrolment: Max. 20;
Course Fee: 2000 US$
of City and Regional Planning, KFUPM, SAUDI ARABIA:
"Assessment of Urban Sprawl Impact on Agricultural Land Using Remote Sensing
and GIS: A Case Study of Lahore, Pakistan"; Student: Bilal Saghir
Sensitive Transport Planning: A case of Khobar, Saudi Arabia"; Student:
Muhammad Ahmad Al-Rashid
3. "Impact
of Global and National Environmental Policies on Economic Development and
GHG Emissions - A Case of Bangladesh"; Student: Md. Arif Hasan
title) "Better decision making for successful project through efficient
feasibility and market studies during the real estate development process
for commercial projects"; Current Student: Yusuf Ahmed Mustafa
5. (Tentative title) "Urban
Residential Mobility: Determinants of neighborhoods choice decisions in Al-Khobar";
Current Student:
Department of Urban Planning and Environment at KTH, SWEDEN:
"Impacts of Rural
Road Infrastructure on Most Disadvantaged Groups: An Explorative Scenario
Analysis from Southwestern Bangladesh"; By: Saleh Ahmed;
Degree Project SoM EX 2008-16 for MSc in Spatial Planning;
2. "Problems and prospects of government housing: A case study of
Azimpur government housing in Dhaka city, Bangladesh"; By: Atiqur
Rahman; For MSc in Spatial Planning
Western Regional Science
Association (WRSA),
Urban Affairs Association (UAA), USA
Brown University (BIARI) Alumni Network, USA
Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Member, NTNUI Alumni Network, Norway Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)
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