Dr. Ali Al-Naser

Fields of Specialization
Professional Experience
Funded Research
Selected Publications
Richfiles Online


Course Syllabus: 

Please click the following links to access the course details

ARC 443 Special Topics on Islamic Architecture

CRP 503 Urban & Regional Land Use

CRP 532 Theory on Urban Form and Design

CRP 534 Housing Policies

CRP 531  Planning Workshop

ARC 416 Special Topics on Islamic Architecture: The Architecture of the Central District of the Islamic City

CRP 501 Planning Theory

ARC-231 Introduction to Urban Design

ARC-353 Housing Policy & Design

Urban Landuse and Pollution

ARC251 Course Material

          ARC 01 Lecture

          Scope of Urban Design

0307 Presentation

Conservation in the Built environment

Conservation in the built Environment Q

Urban Design Planning Practice







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