Tarek R. Sheltami received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer
engineering from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, in 2003. He was with GamaEng
Inc., Ottawa, Canada as a Consultant on wireless networks (in
2002–2004). He also worked in several joint projects with Nortel Network
Corporation, Ottawa, Canada. He is currently an Associate Professor with
the Computer Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum
and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He is also an Adjunct
Professor with the Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University,
Wolfville, Canada. Before joining KFUPM, he was a Research Associate
Professor with the School of Information Technology and Engineering,
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Sheltami has been a member of
the Technical Program and Organizing Committees of several international
IEEE conferences. He is the Co-founder of the IEEE International
Symposium on Emerging Ubiquitous and Pervasive Systems, (EUPS) IEEE
International Symposium on Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks