King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Computer Engineering Department

COE 353 – Fundamentals of Computer Communication

Syllabus for Term 043



Course Description

            Fundamentals of digital communication, voice and data transmission equipment, protocols and software, communication channels, data coding and modulations, multiplexing modems, transmission media, data transmission codes,  Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, planning and designing of communication network.



    James E. Goldman & Phillip Rawles, Applied Data Communications, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 2004


Topics to be covered

  1. Data communications industry.
  2. Data communications concepts.
  3. Basic Data Communication Technology.
  4. Local Area Networks (LANs).
  5. Voice Communication Concepts and Technology.
  6. Wide Area Networks
  7. The Network Development Life Cycle
  8. Network Management (if time permits)



Section 2:

SUMTW 07:00a – 08:00a

Room 24-273


Section 1:

SUMTW 08:10a – 09:10a

Room 24-273


Grading Policy

Quizzes                          40%   usually at the end of each chapter

Mid-term Exam              30%   On Wednesday 27 July, 2005

Final Exam                     30%   As scheduled by the registrar



Mr. Nizar Mabroukeh

Tel. (03) 860-1142

Office: 23/018


URL: http://coe-nizar/coe353 and


Office Hours:

SMT     09:10am – 11:10am, or by appointment




Terms of agreement (Course Policy):

1-     Attendance is important and will be taken every class, if you get more than 9 absences, a DN grade will be reported.

2-     If you are 10 minutes late from the start of the class don’t come in, or you will be rejected. You will be taken absent.

3-     No make up whatsoever of any quizzes\exams and no excuses will be accepted.

4-     Assignments should be submitted on time, late submissions will not be tolerated.

5-     You are required to always check the course website for any announcements or updates especially before class time.

6-     No eating or chewing gum in the class. You should always maintain the cleanliness of the classroom.