Research Statement

My research addresses efficient architectures and languages for parallel computing. Specifically, my interest is in the efficient execution of parallel programs on parallel architectures. At the hardware level, my focus is primarily on efficient and reliable communication. The goal is to reduce communication latency, to support group communication, and to tolerate faults in networks. At the software level, my focus is on the programmability of a parallel computer. The goal is to simplify the task of writing parallel programs and to compile them efficiently on a wide spectrum of parallel architectures. My current research projects are focused in the areas of high-speed interconnection networks in parallel architectures and parallel programming language design and implementation.

Research Grants

·    AUC Research Grant, Amount: LE 18,400 + $ 1,350, Title: "Shared Channels in Interconnection Networks", Period: February 1999 - December 1999, Location AUC. Grant covers the cost of implementation of a router chip, and the support of two research assistants.

·    AUC Research Grant. Amount: LE 18,904. Title: "Thread Support and Dataflow Analysis for SIMPL Programs". Period: February 1997 - December 1997. Location: AUC. Grant covered the support of two research assistants.

·    AUC Research Grant. Amount: LE 18,040. Title: "A Compiler for a Subset of the Parallel Programming Language SIMPL". Period: November 1995 - July 1996. Location: AUC. Grant covered the support of two research assistants.

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