Petroleum &
College of
Sciences &
Department of Computer Engineering
COE 200: Fundamentals of Computer Engineering (3-3-4)
Catalog Description
Introduction to Computer Engineering. Digital circuits.
Boolean algebra abd switching theory. Manipulation and minimization of
Boolean functions. Combinational circuit analysis and design; multiplexers,
decoders, adders. Sequential circuit analysis and design, basic flip-flops,
clocking, and edge-triggering, registers, counters, timing sequences, state
assignment and reduction techniques.
Register transfer level operations. Machine-level programming.
Prerequisite: PHYS 102.
Text Book:
Morris Mano and Charles Kime, "Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals",
Prentice-Hall, 1997.
- (1) To teach students the basics of combinational/sequential logic.
- (2) To introduce students to some fundamentals in Computer Engineering.
- 1.
- Introductionto Computer Organization.
(2 hr.)
CPU, memory, IO devices, instruction execution and flow of information.
Computer communication architecture (Section 1.1 and other general information).
- 2.
- Binary Systems.
(6 hr.)
Binary numbers, number base conversion, complement, codes, signed binary numbers (Section 1.2-1.6).
- 3.
- Boolean Algebra and Logic gates.
(4 hr.)
Axiomatic definitions of Boolean algebra, basic theorems and properties of
Boolean algebra.
Boolean functions, canonical and standard forms, other logic operations.
Digital logic gates (Section 2.1-2.3).
- 4.
- Simp;ification of Boolean Functions.
(5 hr.)
The map method, two and three variable maps, four-variable map,
simplification into sum-of-products, product-of-sum, NAND and NOR
implementations. Other two-level implementations. Don't care conditions
(section 2.4-2.7 only).
- 5.
- Combinational Logic.
(3 hr.)
Introduction, design procedure, adders, subtractors, code conversion,
analysis procedure, EXOR and equivalence functions (Section 3.1-3.4).
- 6.
- Combinational logic with MSI and LSI.
(5 hr.)
Introduction. Binary adder and subtractor, decimal adder, magnitude comparator,
decoders and encoders, multiplexers (Sections 3.5-3.12, omit 3.13). Circuit
and expressions of magnitude comparator not avaliable in text book, will
be given as handout.
- 7.
- Synchronous Sequential Logic.
(12 hr.)
Introduction. Flip-flops, triggering of F/Fa, characteristic table.
Analysis of clocked sequential circuits. State assignments.
F/F excitation tables. Design procedure. (All of chapter 4). Examples
of designing state machines from verbal descriptions will be given as class
notes and handouts.
- 8.
- Regiters, Counters and Register Transfer.
(5 hr.)
Introduction. Registers, shift and multi-mode registers, synchronous counters. register transfer operations 9Section 5.1-5.6).
- 9.
- Programmable Devices.
(2 hr.)
ROMs, PLAs, and PALs (Section 6.6-6.9).
- 10.
- Introduction to Machine-Level Programming.
(1 hr.)
Types of machine-level instructions, micro-operations and programming in
machine language. (Summary of Sections 7.1-7.3).
Computer Usage:
Students will use PCs running tools for logic design and simualtion,
e.g. LogicWorks or Elctronic Work Bench.
Laboratory Experiments:
Simple experiments related to the design of basic combinational and
sequential circuits will be conducted in the laboratory. The lab will have
both hardware implementation projects as well as use of CAD tools for modeling
and simulation of digital systems, e.g. schematic capture tools like
Grading Policy:
10% Quizzes and Homeworks
20% Major Exam I (Tentative Date: 7th October 1998)
20% Major Exam II (Tentative Date: 7th November 1998)
20% Laboratory Work
30% Final Exam (Scheduled by the Registrar)
ABET Category content:
Engineering Design: 2 credits or 50 %
Engineering Science: 2 credits or 50 %
Prepared by: Prof. Mostafa Abd-El-Barr.
Date: September 1998.