Computer Engineering Department
COE 332 Data Communication for Business
- Instructor: Dr. Mayez Al-Mouhamed
- Office: 22/325; Tel. #2934 (office) and 3536 (Robotics Lab)
- Email:
- Text Book:
- "Data Communications for Business"
Geral A. Silver and Myrna L. Silver (
- Grading Policy:
- Homeworks: 10%, No late assignments will be accepted
- Exam 1: 15%,
- Exam 2: 15%,
- Exam 1: 15%,
- Final: 25%
- Project: 20%
Course Description:
Digital Communication Fundamentals, Voice and Data Transmission Equipments,
Communication Channels, Data Coding and Modulation, Multiplexing, Modems,
Communications Media, Data Transmission Codes and Protocols, Software Packages,
Communication Networks, Planning and Designing Communication Networks and
Implementation of Communication Networks.
- Course Outline
- Introduction to Communication Fundamentals (1 week)
- Communications Hardware (1 week)
- Fundamentals of Communication Channels (1 week)
- Modulation, Demodulation and Modems (1 week)
- Communication Media (1 week)
- Data Transmission Codes and Protocols (1 week)
- Communication Software (1 week)
- Introduction to Networks (1 week)
- Local Area Networks (1 week)
- Wide Area Networks (1 week)
- Value Added Networks (1 week)
- Planning and Analyzing Communication Networks (1 week)
- Designing Communication Networks (1 week)
- Implementing Communication Networks (1 week)
- Future of Communications (1 week)
- Project
- Connecting your Home PC to Internet
- Design of a Web Page
- Commerce on Internet
- Learning about Unix
- Learning about word processing and document preparation under Unix
- Designing a LAN for a small business at a single location
- Free project at your choice