King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Sciences and Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering

COE 200 (Sec. 03 & 07): Fundamentals of Computer Engineering (Fall 992)


Catalog Description:
Introduction to Computer Engineering. Digital Circuits. Boolean algebra and switching theory. Manipulation and minimization of Boolean functions. Combinational circuits analysis and design, multiplexers, decoders and adders. Sequential circuit analysis and design, basic flip-flops, clocking and edge-triggering, registers, counters, timing sequences, state assignment and reduction techniques. Register transfer level operations. Machine-level programming.
Prerequisite: PHYS 102.

Text Book: Morris Mano and Charles Kime, "Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals'', Prentice-Hall, First Edition, 1997.

Instructor: Masud-ul-Hassan

Office: 22/330, Tel: (03) 860-3880, Office Hours: S. U. M. W. 10:00 - 10:50 AM or by appointment



Grading Policy:
First Major Exam: 15% (19th October 1997),
Second Major Exam: 20% (30th November 1997),
Final Exam: 30%
Quizzes and Homeworks: 15%,
Lab. Experiments: 20%,

Attendance Policy: As per University policy, pages 31-32 of the bulletin, attendance will be taken every class. WF grades will be reported as soon as a student becomes eligible without waiting for the end of the semester. Any student in possession of an official excuse must present it no later than one week following his resumption of class attendance.

Topics covered:

  1. Introduction to Computer Organization
    CPU, Memory, I/O devices, instruction execution and flow of information. Computer communication architectures.
  2. Binary Systems
    Binary numbers, Number base conversion, Complement, Signed binary numbers.
  3. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
    Axiomatic definitions of Boolean algebra, Basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Canonical and standard forms, Other logic operations, Digital logic gates.
  4. Simplification of Boolean Functions
    The map method, two-, three- and four-variable maps, Simplification into sum-of-products, NAND and NOR implementation. Other 2-level implementations. Don't-care conditions.
  5. Combinational Logic
    Introduction, Design procedure, Adders, Subtracters, Code conversion, Analysis procedure, EXOR and equivalence functions.
  6. Combinational Logic with MSI and LSI
    Introduction, Binary adders and subtracters, decimal adder, magnitude comparator, decoders and encoders. Multiplexers and ROMs.
  7. Synchronous Sequential Logic
    Introduction, flip-flops, Triggering of flip-flops, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State assignment, Flip-flop excitation tables, Design procedure.
  8. Registers, Counters and Register Transfer
    Introduction, Registers, Shift and Multi-mode registers, Synchronous counters, Register transfer operations.
  9. Introduction to machine-level Programming
    Types of machine-level instructions, Macro-operations and programming in machine language.