Build a plan: |
Define a project |
Plan project activities |
Plan for and procure resources |
Plan project costs |
Plan for quality and risks |
Plan communication and security |
Optimize a project plan |
Distribute a project
plan | |
Track and manage a project: |
Track progress |
Manage a schedule |
Manage resources |
Manage costs |
Manage scope |
Manage risks |
Report project status |
Close a project: |
Review final project
information | |
Define a clear, specific and measurable
project objective. Avoid vague objectives such as "Create
state-of-the-art deliverables." |
A project's objectives may
include: |
A list of project deliverables. A deliverable is a
tangible and measurable result, outcome, or item that must be
produced to complete a project or part of a project. Both, project
team and project stakeholders must agree on the deliverables before
the project can start. Stakeholders are individuals or organizations
that are actively involved in the project or whose interests might
be affected by the project. |
| |
Contd. |
Specific due dates, both for the ultimate
completion of the project and for intermediate milestones.
Milestones are reference points marking major events in a project
and are used to monitor the project’s progress |
Specific quality criteria that must
meet. |
To begin planning, you make educated
guesses and then use those estimates to create your schedule.
Project stakeholders can critique them and then formally agree to a
set of project assumptions. Update the schedule when you have
additional information on these factors. |
| |
Contd. |
List your project's constraints to ensure
that all project stakeholders are aware of them and have the
opportunity to comment on the list. Your projects have a
specific finish date, scope and perhaps budget (project
triangle). |
The project's scope is the combination of
all project goals and tasks, and the work required to accomplish
them. |
| |
Define phases and create a task
list |
A task is a specific activity that has a
quantifiable (measurable) outcome and a duration (a beginning and an
end). A project is made up of tasks. |
A phase is a group of related tasks that complete a
major step in the project |
A milestone is a reference point marking a major
event in a project and used to monitor the project’s
progress. |
Show the project's organization (using
task charts, Gantt charts, network diagrams …etc.) |
Organize a project into a master project
and subproject files |
| |
Contd. |
Estimate task durations |
Set task dependencies and
constraints |
There are many types of task
relationships (e.g. one task can only start when another finishes
because it depends on its outcome) |
Identify and monitor critical paths
(sequence of interdependent tasks that might cause project
delays/incompletion) |
Create interrelationships between
projects (if they exist) |
| |