Setting up your Account for Magic
Edit your .cshrc file from the unix home directory and do the following
Insert the statement set path=($path /tools/magic/bin) after the original set path statement in the file
Insert the statement setenv CAD_HOME /tools/magic after that
Save the file and exit
Execute the command source .cshrc from
the unix prompt
To check that what you did is correct execute
the command which
magic. If you get /usr/local/bin/magic it means your
setup is correct. Otherwise, see me to help you.
Create a directory called magic in your account
using the command mkdir
Move to this directory using the command
cd magic
Copy magic files from my account using the
command cp ~elrabaa/setup/*
. (Note that the dot is part of the
Run tutorial 1 using the command magic tut1 from your magic