COE 202 (3-0-3)

Digital Logic Design


Catalog Description

Introduction to Computer Engineering. Digital Circuits. Boolean algebra and switching theory. Manipulation and minimization of Boolean functions. Combinational circuits analysis and design, multiplexers, decoders and adders. Sequential circuit analysis and design, basic flip-flops, clocking and edge-triggering, registers, counters, timing sequences, state assignment and reduction techniques. Register transfer level operations.   


 Dr. Alaaeldin Amin

Room  22-314

Phone: 2862

e-mail:    amindin@kfupm


Course Material:

  1. Text Book: M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall International, 2002.
  2. Course Lessons & Full Notes (PDF file with 6 units divided into lessons)
  3. Online Lessons (Multimedia) 

The CD contains all course lectures with animations and sound. The material is divided into 6 units with several lessons in each unit.


Course Learning Outcome: After successfully completing the course, students should be able  to:

·                 Carry out arithmetic computations in various number systems (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal).

·                 Apply rules of Boolean algebra to simplify Boolean expressions.

·                 Translate Boolean expressions into equivalent truth tables and logic gate implementations and vice versa.

·                 Design efficient combinational and sequential logic circuit implementations from functional description of digital systems.

·                 Carry out simple CAD simulations to verify the operation of logic circuits