The chance to learn more skills!

Term 042: COE 390 Sections 01 and 04

Section 01 Monday from 12:00-12:50PM, in Blg. 24 room 125

Section 04 Tuesday from 12:00-12:50PM, in Blg. 24 room 180

Phase I: (Submitting Article Titles.)

Please send 3 (Max. 5) topic-titles of subjects with references from journal articles.

For each topic (3 topics, up to five), select three appropriate references (journal articles).

For each article, use complete information, including Author(s), Title, Reference, Pages, Publisher, and Date.

Some suggested sources:

Must be recent! (>= 2003. if possible)

Other sources must be approved by the course instructor.

Please, visit the library and check for papers.

Internet articles will not do the job, unless it is an electronic copy of a journal article.

At this stage, no constraints are added.

Once this phase is complete, the second phase will start.

This is a multi-phase iterative process. Stay tuned.

Remember:we continue to do better for the next 55 years

Note: To send the topics, use E-mail, and use the subject:



0n = 01 for section 01, or 04 for section 04.

ST991234 is your student ID #. Please use your ID #, 
and not 991234

Please make sure the articles are not from any previous work, or any planned future work.

It is not fair to get rewarded for the same work more than once!

Furthermore, it a chance to learn something new.

Learning by doing is one of the best ways to learn.

List of topics Due by 9:00 PM one day before next class.

►Phase II: (Submitting the references.)

Due date for submitting the three references (After topic selection is finalized.)

Each team-member (student) will use the same topic for both:

Hint: Prepare the PowerPoint presentation 01 first without voice. Save a copy, to use it as the initial file for presentation 02.

Then add voice.


Seminar Attendance: (3 required)

Please check for the COE, ICS, SE, EE seminars, that are technical and relevant to COE. Do not delay this component until the end of the semester.

Reporting Seminar Attendance: (All the following must be used)
  • E-mail: Subject-keyword:SEMINAR0n for seminar No. n Message with: Date, Time, Location, Speaker, Title, Department.
  • One-page summary: Paper-format, next class after seminar, in-class.
  • Instead of signatures, a table of seminars attended, where the partial table is submitted as E-Mail with subject:

        Example subject: COE390.0n-042.ST991234-PartialTable

    The table must have columns for: Date, Time, Location, Speaker, Title, Department.

    Table template:

    S.N. Type* Date Time Location Speaker Title Department

    * The type is one of three: Seminar, Senior Project, Co-Op.

    Senior project and Co-op attendance: (2 required)

    Same reporting procedures as in Seminars


    Every three team members (students) will form a group.

    Group responsibilities:

    For presentation 01: Given written feed back to each other. A paper copy must be submitted to the instructor.

    For presentation 02: Evaluate each other. Submit a confidential evaluation form to the instructor.

    For each presentation, an electronic copy must be submitted to the instructor. Due dates will be announced later. The due dates are the same for every one. For presentation 01, the group members should arrange to share copies for feedback.

    Good luck!

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    Copyright 2002-2005: Dr. Atef Jawad Al-Najjar