This page provides exercises in using the Drago-Wayland parameters to estimate heats of formation of Lewis acid-base adducts. In order to solve the problems presented, you need a table of the parameters. If you don't have such a table available, ou can click on the "Show Table" button below to display (and print) a table. It's more efficient to use tables generally available in inorganic textbooks. When you press "New Problem", a small window, which may need to be relocated, will open with a Lewis Acid-Base displacement reaction and submit form. To help you follow the reaction, the complexes are written in brackets with a "*" separating the acid and the base. Determine the value of the answer in KJ, paying attention to the sign convention, and submit the answer. The results appear in the table on the main window.
If you miss a problem three times, pressing the "Show Answer" button will cause the correct answer to appear.