Download the file than save it as 'filename.f'
Code 1 (Linear System of Eqns. by LU decomposition) Text File , Input File
Code 2 (system of non-linear equations by Newton-Raphson Method): Text File
Code 3 (system of IVP's using different methods): Text File
Code 4 (single BVP using the shooting method): Text File
Code 5 (two BVP's using the shooting method): Text File
Code 6 (single linear BVP using Chebyshev Galerkin formulation): Text File
Code 7 (single nonliner BVP using Chebyshev Galerkin formulation): Text File
Code 8 (single linear BVP using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File
Code 9 (single Non-linear BVP using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File
Code10 (two Non-linear BVP's using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File
Code11 (linear parabolic PDE using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File
Code12 (non-linear parabolic PDE using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File
Code13 (linear elliptic PDE using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File, Word File
Code14 (non-linear elliptic PDE using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File
Code15 (non-linear unsteady elliptic PDE using the Chebyshev-Collecation method): Text File