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"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"

Dr. Mohammad Ba-Shammakh

Dr. Mohammed S. Ba-Shammakh is Dean of Academic Development. Previously he was Chairman, Chemical Engineering Department at KFUPM from 2014 to 2018. He is also servering as chief executive of Dhahran Techno-Valley Knowledge Company. He served as Director, Program Assessment Center from 2010 to 2014. In 2014, he became an official ABET evaluator and was assigned as the chair of the department. He was also involved in the establishment of Technology Innovative Technology Center (TIC) in carbon capture and storage

As a faculty in chemical engineering department he is actively involved in many projects. He has supervised more than 10 students in their MS and PhD thesis. He has published more than 25 scientific papers in high impact factor journals, also he has presented several research papers in international conferences.

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Serving As

Dr. BaShammakh

Dean, Academic Development
Professor, Chemical Engineering

"Always set clear objectives and try to achieve them" Mohammad Ba-Shammakh