Dr. Abdulaziz Bubshait
Professor  | Construction Engineering and Management |

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia

CP 101 Introduction to City planning


King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Department of City & Regional Planning

CP 101 Introduction to City planning

Instructor: Dr. Abdulaziz A. Bubshait

E-mail: bushait@kfupm.edu.sa

Course Overview

This course aims to provide a broad overview of urban planning for students with an interest in learning about the basic ideas and concepts of the field. Urban planning is concerned with many different components of urban life— housing, transportation, the environment, jobs, education, design, and a host of other issues. Urban planners work in these fields to improve the quality of life for residents of urban environments and their surrounding areas. This course is designed to introduce students to various types and processes of urban planning. Topic covered include the growth of modern urban planning, the theoretical debates and practical challenges within different specializations of planning practice; and various career options in urban planning.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Understand basic forms of urban planning.
  • Be familiar with processes of planning.
  • Be familiar with different specializations and professional roles in urban planning.
  • Be able to communicate about pertinent community planning issues and policies effectively.
  • Explore careers in urban planning.

Textbook: Levy, john M. Contemporary Urban Planning, Eight Edition (2009), Prentice Hall, London.


    Course syllabus (click)

    Detailed Schedule and Reading




Week  1

Part 1: The Background and development of contemporary planning.



An overview


Week  2

The urbanization of America


Week  3

The History of Planning: part I


Week  4

The History of Planning: part II


Part 2: The structure and practice of contemporary planning


Week  5

The legal basis of planning


Week  6

Planning and Politics


Week  7

The social issues


Week  8

The comprehensive plan


Week  9

The tools of land-used planning


Part 3: Field of planning


Week  10

Urban Design



Urban renewal and community development


Week  11

Transportation Planning


Week  12

Economic Development


Week  13

Part 3:Growth management, smart growth, and sustainable development



Environmental and Energy planning


Week  14

Planning for Metropolitan regions


        Assignment #1

Additional Reading Materials


Al-Hathloul, S. and Edadn, N "Evolution of Settlement Pattern in Saudi Arabia", Habitat international, volume 17, No 4. pp 31-46, 1993 pdf

Al-Hathloul,S. "Planning in the middle east, moving toward future", Habitat international, 28(2004) 641-643 PDF
Eben Saleh, M "Planning issues in the middle east, an introduction., Habitat international, 28(2004) 501-503 PDF
Al-But'hie, I and Eben Saleh, M " Urban and industrial development planning as an approach for Saudi Abaria: the case of Jubail and Yanbu, Habitat international, 28(2002)1-20  pdf
 History of Urban Planning


Planning: A short Guide


Victoria's Department of Planning and Community Development




Grade Distribution

Major I                        25%,       major II   25%     Project             15%,    Final    35%


    Important Planning Web Sites



 • http://www.plannersweb.com/

 • http://www.planning.org/

 • http://www.mnapa.com/

 • http://www.cip-icu.ca/

 • http://www.acsp.org/
