

bulletStudents can work in groups but all work must be your own. Copying is not appropriate.
bulletHomework problems are due by the next call period after they are assigned.  One late lab and homework can be turned in without penalty.  Additional late homework and labs will be marked down 5% per day to a maximum of 50%.
bulletPlease try to honor my office hours. I will try to be in my office during my office hours. If you cannot find me during my office hours or if you feel you need some immediate help, feel free to contact me outside my office hours.
bulletThe lab TA's will have responsibility over grading the labs. If you have a grading dispute with a TA, try to resolve it with the TA before bringing it to my attention.
bulletStudents should arrange to take all exams unless there are circumstances beyond their control.  Special circumstances should be cleared in advance with the professor.
bullet9 Unexcused absentees will result in WF in the course.


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