The following is the schedule for all Experiments that will be conducted this semester. Please read each experiment very carefully before you come to the lab. class and read the instructions bellow

Good Luck in the all experiments

Laboratory Group Semester 101  year 2010-2011

Week Date Report Due Laboratory, Activity
W-1 25-Sep-10 2-Oct-10 Introduction to CE353 Laboratory
W-2 2-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 Specific Gravity
W-3 9-Oct-10 15-Oct-10 Sieve Analysis
W-4 16-Oct-10 22-Oct-10 Hydrometer Analysis
W-5 23-Oct-10 29-Oct-10 Atterberg Limits
W-6 30-Oct-10 5-Nov-10 Compaction
W-7 6-Nov-10 25-Nov-10 Field Compaction
W-8-9 11-Nov-10 21-Nov-10 Eid  Vacation
W-10 27-Nov-10 3-Dec-10 Permeability
W-11 4-Dec-10   Consolidation
W-12 11-Dec-10 21-Dec-10 Consolidation
W-13 18-Dec-10 24-Dec-10 Unconfined Compression 
W-14 25-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 Direct Shear 
W-15 1-Jan-11   Triaxial
W-16 8-Jan-11 17-Jan-11 Triaxial
W-17 15-Jan-11 16-Jan-11 Lab Exam
W-18 20-Jan-11 31-Jan-11 Final Exams