Course:            CE 100

Assignment:    04

Subject:          Team work Assignment on Civil Engineering is Great- Part 1

Date Due:        15/03/2005, Tuesday

Instruction:   “Please send your answers by e-mail as an attachment with a cover page”

Note on the Subject: CE100-your ID-HW#_ assignment 04


Please Read the Instructions Carefully


1.       Form teams as discussed in class. Each Team Consists of 2-3 Persons.

2.     Each team should choose a team leader.

3.     Each team should choose a subject to write about from the following topics:

1.       Dams

2.     Bridges

3.     High-rise buildings

4.     Channels

5.     Highways

6.  Earthquakes and its affect to civil structures.

7.  Environmental disposal systems

8.     any other subject of the Civil Engineering that might interest you


4.     Team leader for each group will send me an e-mail on the subjects that interest the team.

5.     Should not be any duplicates in topics.

1.       The one received first I will post on the net on the project  page

2.     Dr. Bader will place the approved topics on the project  page

3.     if duplicate will send you an e-mail to change the topic.

4.     Required from each team:


1.       In this exercise, you should impress us why civil Engineering is a great field.

2.     Search the internet and as always document your references for old and new ( Your subject ) and make a list.

3.     Choose as many References  but not less than three ( Your subject ) and make your presentation which is explaned in the next announcement

4.     Presentation will be on PowerPoint. Ready By April 05th class. To be submitted on CD if large or Disc. References to web pages should be included. Include pictures, what ever you think valuable for us to know.

5.     If you have, any questions do not hesitate to See me, Call me or Write me.