CE  671 -  Advanced  Pavement  Materials


  Catalog Data :        

CE 671            Advanced Pavement Materials                                                          (3-0-3)

             Pavement material characterization procedures; simulation of in-service conditions; experimental program for fatigue cracking modeling and plastic deformation modeling under repetitive loading; development of constitutive laws; advancement in accelerated environmental conditioning and loading simulation, durability testing, and material performance based evaluation.

Prerequisite:      CE 579


Textbooks:            1.             Asphalt Pavements Mixtures: Design, Construction and Performance; course notes prepared by C.L. Monismith, J.S. Epps and F.N. Finn, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1985.


                                2.             Developments in Highway Pavement Engineering, Vol.1, edited by Peter S. Pell, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., 1978.


                                3.             ASTM Standards, Section 4, Vol. 4.03, "Road and Paving Materials, Travelled Surface Characteristics."


                                4.             Background of SHRP Asphalt Binder Test Methods, FHWA National Asphalt Training Center Demonstration Project 101, 1993.


References:         1.    The Asphalt Handbook, The Asphalt Institute (MS-4).


                                2.    Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot Mix Types (MS-2).


                               3.    Proceedings: Fifth International Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, University of Michigan, 1982.


                               4.    Kenneth N. Derucher and Conrad P. Heins, Materials for Civil & Highway Engineers, Prentice Hall Inc., 1981.


           5.    Robert D. Krebs and Richard D. Walker, Highway Materials, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971.


                              6.    Harold N. Atkins, Highway Materials, Soils and Concretes, Reston Publishing Company Inc., 1983.


                              7.      Proceedings: Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, (AAPT).


                              8.     Transportation Research Board (TRB) publications.


                              9.     Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) Journal.


                             10.    ASCE, Material Journal.





        This course is designed for graduate students with background in highway materials, asphaltic materials and pavement mechanics.  The students shall be introduced to pavement material characterization methodology; simulation of in-service conditions; the conduct of experimental program for fatigue cracking modeling and plastic deformation modeling under repetitive loading; development of constitutive laws; accelerated climatic conditions; durability testing.


Prerequisite by Topic:


                 Basic principles of highway material design and testing.




            1.             Asphalt: types, uses, rheology, chemistry, laboratory testing (10 classes)


            2.             Aggregate: properties, testing, aggregate in bituminous mixes, construction (15 classes)


         3.             Asphalt mixes: additives, durability, fatigue & fracture behavior characterization, creep, rutting, performance prediction (modeling) (20 classes)


            4.             New construction materials, techniques and methods (10 classes)


Computer Usage:


                    Three homework assignments out of six required the use of  personal computer .


Laboratory Projects: 


         Each student is required to conduct a comprehensive laboratory experimentation on a selected asphalt mixes (including additives).  Each student is expected to practice techniques covered in the class and submit an engineering report at the end of the semester.


Estimated Content:

                                Engineering Science:           70% (2.1 credit hours)

                                Engineering Design:            30% (0.9 credit hours)


Prepared by:  Professor Hamad I. Al-Abdul Wahhab