King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals



CE  575 - Performance  &  Rehabilitation of Pavements




1996-97 Catalog Data: 

      CE 575: Performance & Rehabilitation of Pavements.  3-Credit . 

 Distress modes of pavements; failure theories of pavements; skid resistance; strengthening existing pavements; pavements overlay design; rehabilitation and evaluation of resurfacing practices for bituminous and cement pavements; recycling of pavements. 


Prerequisite: CE 574. 


Textbooks:           1.           Per Ullidtz, Pavement Analysis, Elsevier Publisher, 1987.

                             2.           R. Haas, R. Hudson and J. Zaniewski, Pavement Management Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1994.


References:          1.           Pavement Management Guide, Roads and Transportation Association of Canada, 1977.

                              2.           Highway Maintenance Manual, Ministry of Communications, Saudi Arabia.

                              3.           The Asphalt Institute Manuals:

                                              -          Asphalt in Pavement Maintenance (MS-16)

                                              -          Asphalt Overlays and Pavements Rehabilitation (MS-17)

                                              -          Asphalt Hot-Mix Recycling (MS-20)

                             4.           Transportation Research Board Publications:

                                              -          TRB Records, # 951, 985, 712, 512, 1028

                             5.           Development and Implementation of a System for Evaluation of Maintenance and Repair Needs

                                           and Priorities - A Pavement Condition Rating System for the Ohio Department of Transportation,

                                          RI Inc., Columbus, Ohio, Dec., 1979.

                             6.           An Introduction to Nondestructive Structural Evaluation of Pavements, Transportation Research

                                          Circular, No. 189, TRB, Jan., 1978.

                             7.           Surface Deflections and Pavement Evaluation: Equipment and Analysis Techniques,

                                        Transportation Engineering Report 82-4, by W. Whitcomb, Oregon State University, 1982.

                             8.           Pavement Condition Evaluation Utilizing Dynamic Deflection Measurements by K. Majidzadeh,

                                         a cooperative study between the Ohio Dept. of Transportation and the Federal

                                        Highway Administration,June, 1977.

                              9.          Road Strengthening, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),

                                         Paris, Sept., 1976.

                             10.      Modernization of High-Efficiency Pavement Evaluation Equipment and Operating Records, Bulletin

                                        de Liaison des Laboratoires des Ports et Chaussées, No. 128, Nov.-Dec., 1983

                                        (English translation of a French paper).

                             11.         The CHART System of Assessing Structural Maintenance Needs of Highways, TRRL Report No.

                                        153, UC, 1975.

                             12.         Pavement Roughness and Skid Properties, TRR # 836, 1981.




Goals:    This course is designed for graduate students with background in pavement design and materials.  It is to advance them to the different aspects of pavement evaluation and maintenance, and rehabilitation techniques.  The research needs pertinent to the Kingdom is emphasized and explored.


Prerequisites by Topic:     

1.           Concepts of pavement structural design.

2.           Concepts of asphalt mix design.



1.           Introduction and basic concepts: management of pavements' activities, basic concepts of PMS, planning

                investments, pavement design subsystems (8 classes)

2.           Pavement performance: pavement distresses, prediction models, performance life cycle (10 classes)

3.           Pavement evaluation: concepts of pavement evaluation, evaluation of performance, distress evaluation,

                structural condition, pavement evaluation indices, and data banks (15 classes)

4.           Maintenance and rehabilitation: bituminous pavement maintenance, overlay design, other maintenance activities (7 classes)

5.           Implementation. How to structure a working PMS/MMS integrating all parts (5 classes)


Computer Usage:  Five homework out of seven required the use of a computer to be solved. Computer softwares such as Paver, Paver-GIS, DMPMMS, FPEDDI, ELSBACK, ELSDEF, etc. were used to evaluate pavement structures and determine required maintenance or rehabilitation. 


Laboratory Projects:   Each student is required to conduct a field project in which he will apply the knowledge gained in this course.


Estimated Content:

                             Engineering Science:          80% (2.4 credit hours)

                             Engineering Design:           20% (0.6 credit hours)