King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals



CE 442

 Construction and Maintenance of Highways and Airports



Prof. Hamad I. Al-Abdul Wahhab

Bldg. 16-Room 111: Phone 3828



I-       Catalog Description:


CE 442 : Construction and Maintenance of Highways and Airports (3-0-3)

Course on the fundamentals of highway and airport construction and maintenance; topics include, asphalt plants, material placement and compaction methods, quality control, earthwork, highway drainage and roadside requirements; construction standards, pavement performance and evaluation, pavement distress identification, surface treatments, types, application and design; overlay; pavement recycling techniques; computer applications.


II-     Prerequisites:   CE 341, CE 343.


III-    Textbook:     Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction, by Roberts, F., Kandhel, P. and Brown, E., 1996.


         Reference:   None


IV-    Course Objectives:


1.      Expose students to the principles and concepts of highway material testing, evaluation and quality control.

2.      Expose students to the concepts of highway and airport construction techniques.

3.      Introduce students to the basic principles of highway maintenance techniques.

4.      Introduce students to commercially available software in the area of material evaluation and quality control and pavement management.


V-     Topics:


1.          Introduction: highways and airport structures, construction materials (soils, aggregate and asphalt), and Superpave asphalt binder tests and specifications

2.          Hot-mix asphalt mixture design methodology, history, objectives, Marshall and Superpave mix design

3.          Portland cement concrete mix design for highways and airports.

4.          Highway and airport structural design

5.          Construction: material selection, placement and compaction, compaction procedure, compactor types (steel drum, sheep foot etc…)

6.          asphalt plants type; batch plants, travel plants, drying drum plants…, cement plants operation process

7.          Inspection: work inspection, quality control methods, stage construction 

8.          Pavement Performance: performance evaluation techniques, concepts of roughness, skid resistance

9.          Pavement Condition: evaluation of roughness and skid resistance; pavement evaluation methods and devices

10.       Pavement structural evaluation: destructive and non-destructive pavement testing techniques (Benkelman Beam, Dynaflect, Falling-weight deflectometer, etc.)

11.       Pavement distress: types, causes, identification

12.       Pavement maintenance: distress maintenance techniques; crack filling; patching local specifications

13.       Surface treatments and overlays: types,  application techniques, and uses

14.       Pavement recycling: recycling techniques, uses, hot pavement recycling methods

15.       Hot-mix asphalt additives and modifiers

16.       Introduction to pavement management system  


VI-    Contribution to Professional Component:


            Engineering Science:               50% (1.5 credit hours)

            Engineering Design:                50% (1.5 credit hours)


VII-   Grading:


            1. Attendance and Participation……………..10 %

            2. Homework……………………    ……….….10 %

            3. Two Midterms…………………     …………40 %

            4. Final Exam……………………    …………..40%


            Total                                                                100 %


VIII- Instructor:


             Dr. Hamad I. Al-Abdul Wahhab

  Professor,  Department of Civil Engineering

  KFUPM Box 1625

  King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

  Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

  Mobile:  (05) 585-0573

  Tel:  (03) 860-2550/3828

  Fax: (03) 860-2879