King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals



CE 441

Design of Pavement



Prof. Hamad I. Al-Abdul Wahhab

Bldg. 16-Room 129: Phone 2550




            This course is mainly designed for senior students with some background in Highway engineering, computer programming and fundamentals of elasticity.  Students will be introduced to the basic aspects of pavement structure design for flexible asphalt pavements and rigid pavements for highways and airports.



TEXTBOOK:    Principle of Pavement Design by E. Yoder and M. Witczack, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975.





            1.      Thickness Design, The Asphalt Institute (MS-I), 1981.


            2.      AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1972.


            3.      Structural Design of Asphalt Concrete Pavement System, HRB Special Report No. 126, 1971.


            4.      Layered Pavement Systems, TRR No. 810, TRB, 1981.


            5.      Highway Design and Construction, R.J. Salter.


            6.      Saudi Arabian General Specifications.


            7.      Shell Design Manual.


            8.      Soils Manual, The Asphalt Institute (MS-10).


            9.      Full-Depth Asphalt Pavements for Air Carrier Airports, The Asphalt Institute (MS-11).






1.  Lectures:


Students are required to attend unless a permissible excuse is granted.  However, students are responsible to information taught in class and in reading assignments as well.



2.  Homeworks:


Homeworks are assigned during the semester at an interval of one week.  Each homework will cover one integrated part of the course.  Grading of homework should measure student’s understanding to the subject, organization and preparation of the homework report, and ability to discuss and deduce conclusions.



3.  Exams:


In general, two (one-hour) exams will be given in addition to the Final.  The final will carry 40% of the total grade while each one-hour exam will carry 20% and 25%, respectively.



4.  Grading:


            A.    Attendance and participation in class………………………       5%

            B.    Homeworks……………………………………………………  10%

            C.    2 Midterm Exams……………………………………………..   

                    - First Midterm………………………………………………..   20%

                    - Second Midterm……………………………………………..   25%

            D.    Final Exam…………………………………………………….   40%