1. Department, Number and Title of Course
Department: Civil Engineering
Course Number: CE 260
Course Title: Surveying I
2. Designation: Required Course
3. Course (Catalog) Description
Introduction; measuring units, significant figures, direct distance measurement with tapes, tape corrections; electronic distance measurement; levels and leveling; longitudinal profiles and cross sections; contouring; area and volume computations; the theodolite and angular measurements; optical distance measurements; rectangular coordinates; traverse surveys and computations; mapping.
4. Prerequisite(s)
Computer Graphics (CE 213) or Department approval
5. Textbook(s) and or other required material
· Barry F. Kavanagh & S.J. Gleen Bird, Surveying Principles and Applications (7th Edition), Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
· Nedal T. Ratrout, Surveying Laboratory Manual (3rd Edition), June 2003, KFUPM Press.
Grading: First Major Exam 20%
Second Major Exam 20%
Home Work ,Quizzes & Class Participation 10%
Lab Work & Exam 20%
Final Exam 30%
6. Course objectives are to
1. perform and analyze distance and angle measurements.
2. undertake field leveling problems and reduce their data.
3. perform traverse surveys and reduce their data.
4. perform area and volume computations.
5. perform topographic surveys.
6. understand the concepts and applications of GIS and GPS.
7. Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the course, the students will be able to
Outcome 1: apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to perform leveling, traverse, and surface area calculations.
Outcome 2: design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data through conducting several field experiments ranging from distance measurements to topographic mapping.
Outcome 3: use techniques, skills and modern Surveying tools necessary for engineering practice by encouraging students to use Excel, AutoCAD and other software in their homeworks and laboratory experiments.
8. Topics Covered
· Distance measurement;
· Electronic surveying measurement;
· Leveling;
· Angles and directions;
· Traverse surveys;
· Topographic surveying and mapping;
· Introduction to global positioning system and geographic information system.
9. Class/Laboratory Schedule
2 lectures per week, 50 minutes each and 3 hours lab per week.
10. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component
The students will be able to conduct and analyze distance, angle and leveling measurements. The students will also be able to perform traverse surveys and conduct all its associate calculations such as area calculation. Laboratory sessions will enable students to have basic training in surveying problems such as profile/cross section leveling, developing contours, determining elevation of inaccessible points, missing data of closed traverse and topographic mapping.
11. Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
This course supports the following program outcomes:
Published Program Outcomes |
Course Outcomes |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
f |
g |
h |
i |
j |
k |
1 |
100 |
2 |
80 |
20 |
3 |
100 |