Characterization and stabilization of eastern Saudi calcareous soils


S.A.Aiban, O. S. B.AI-Amoudi, H. R.Ahmed

& H. I.AI-Abdul Wahhab




Soils available for constructional purposes in eastern Saudi Arabia are inferior in their natural conditions. Many construction and post-construction problems have been reported in the literature when these materials are used. This investigation is one of a series to evaluate the geotechnical properties of twenty four calcareous samples (i.e. known as marl) from different places covering the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. All samples were characterized according to the relevant ASTM and AASHTO standards. Two marl and one caliche soils were selected for detailed characterization and stabilization. The results indicate significant variations in the behaviour of these materials whereby their strength exhibited acute water sensitivity. Great reduction in strength was experienced when compaction was performed at moisture contents other than the optimum. The addition of low cement content improved the strength and water sensitivity. The effects of cement content, curing type and period, and curing temperature on the strength and durability of the cement-treated calcareous sediments are reported in this paper.