Evaluation of Emulsified, Asphalt-Treated Sand for Low-Volume Roads and
Road Bases
Research Record 1106
The objective of this study was to evaluate, in the
laboratory, the feasibility of using blends of dune sand-crusher fines that
were stabilized with CSS-1h emulsified asphalt in the construction of
low-volume roads in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. Marshall
stability, water sensitivity, split tensile strength, resilient modulus,
fatigue life, and rutting tests were conducted on cured Marshall specimens.
Factorial design was used in this study in which crusher fines percentages were
varied between 0 percent and 50 percent of the total aggregate weight and the
Portland cement content was varied between 0 percent and 3 percent of dry
aggregate weight. Results indicated that dune sand mix properties were
drastically changed by the inclusion of crusher fines in the mix. The
stability, resilient modulus, fatigue, and rutting characteristics of such
mixes were improved significantly. Thickness design charts were developed for
the designed mixes, which proved to be suitable for use in hot, arid areas.
Pavement thickness was significantly reduced when crusher fines, cement, and
dune sand blends were treated with emulsified asphalt.