

             August 2006 to Date


                        Assistant Dean for Continuing Education, Deanship of Educational Services, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


                        Work responsibilities include publicizing, marketing, coordinating and evaluating all the short courses at the University in addition to coordinating the non-degree courses.


            September 2004 to August 2006


                        Deputy Dean, Deanship of Graduate Studies, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


                        Work responsibilities involve supervising the graduate students (both Masters and PhDs) at the University in all aspects and assisting the Dean of Graduate Studies in communicating with the various Departments and Administration at KFUPM regarding the graduate students.


            December 2003 to Date


                        Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


                        Work responsibilities involve teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in geotechnical engineering and building materials options, participating in the Departmental and KFUPM Committees, supervising and participating in M.Sc., M.Eng. and Ph.D. researches at KFUPM and abroad (Australia, United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sudan) and in funded-research projects through the Department and the various Centers at the Research Institute in the areas of building materials and geotechnical engineering and coordinating short courses in these fields, acting as a Board Member in the American Concrete Institute-Saudi Arabia Chapter and Saudi Society of Civil Engineering, working as a technical consultant to some organizations in eastern and western Saudi Arabia.


            February 2003 to September 2004


                        Manager, Engineering Analysis Section in the Center for Engineering Research, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


                        Work responsibilities included managing, supervising, conducting and marketing applied research projects to the construction industry in the following four fields: Materials, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.


            1998 to December 2003


                        Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


                        Work responsibilities involved teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in geotechnical engineering and building materials options, participating in the Departmental and KFUPM Committees, supervising and participating in M.Sc., M.Eng. and Ph.D. researches and funded research projects in the areas of building materials and geotechnical engineering, and coordinating short courses in these fields.


            1995 to 1998


                        Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


                        Work responsibilities included teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in geotechnical engineering and building materials options, coordinating civil engineering seminars, participated in the Departmental and KFUPM Committees, supervised M.Sc. and M.Eng. research and funded projects in building materials and geotechnical engineering areas, and coordinating short courses in these fields.


            1992 to 1995


                        Instructor in the Department of Civil Engineering, KFUPM.


                        Work responsibilities included teaching Freshman-Senior level courses in structures, building materials and geotechnical engineering and conducting researches in these fields.


            1985 to 1992 


                        Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering, KFUPM. 


                        Work responsibilities included teaching undergraduate classes related to civil engineering materials, soil mechanics, structural mechanics and elementary mathematics.   


            1982 to 1985 


                        Research Assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering, KFUPM.


                        Work responsibilities included teaching and grading undergraduate classes related to structural mechanics, reinforced concrete, statics and elementary mathematics.