1.     "Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Sulphur Concrete", by M. Shamim Khan, Committee Members; Dr. M.F. Tewfik and Dr. A.K. Azad (August 1985).

  2.     "Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on the Durability of Reinforced Concrete in the Arabian Gulf Region", by Misfer M. Al-Zahrani, Committee Members; Dr. Rasheeduzzafar and G.J. Al-Sulaimani (August 1987).

  3.   "Durability and Thermal Incompatibility of Concrete Constituent Made from Local Materials in the Arabian Gulf Countries", by Mohammed M. Mohamud, Committee Members; Dr. M.H. Baluch and Dr. Al-Farabi M. Sharif (January 1988).

  4.    “The Effect of Temperature and Salt Contamination on Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in OPC and Blended Cement Concrete,” by C. N. Sadath Ali Khan, Committee Members; Di. I A. Basunbul (Chairman), Dr. Al-Farabi M. Sharif, and Ghazi J. Al-Sulaimani (August 1993).



  1.     "A Photoelastic Investigation of Stress Distribution in Deep Beam with and without Web Opening", by Moyeenul Haque, Supervised by Dr. Rasheeduzzafar, Committee Member, Dr. Maher Bader (June 1982).

  2.   "Stability Analysis of Orthotropic Plates by a Mixed Complementary Energy Method", by Ammar, K.H. Mohammad, Supervised by Dr. M.H. Baluch, Committee Member, Dr. J.F. Doyle (September 1982).

  3.   "Performance of Pozzolan Cement Concrete in a High Chloride-Sulfate Environment", by Mohammad Hanif, Supervised by Dr. Rasheeduzzafar, Committee Member, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Mana (September 1982).

  4.   "The Influence of Function Technique in the Numerical Analysis of Plate Bending of Arbitrary Plan Form", by Ali H. Al-Gadhib, Supervised by Dr. M.H. Baluch, Committee Member, Dr. M.F.N. Mohsen (September 1982).

  5.   "Strength of R.C. Beams in Hot Weather", by Al-Ali Muhammad M. Budaiwi, Supervised by Dr. A.F. Abbasi, Committee Member, Dr. Rasheeduzzafar (May 1984).

  6.   "A Photoelastic Investigation of Stress Distribution in Thin Elastic Plates Simulating Laterally Loaded Window Glass Panels", by Sammour Yousuf Tawfiq, Supervised by Dr. Rasheeduzzafar, Committee Member, Dr. I.A. Basunbul (November 1984).

  7.   "Static Analysis of Horizontally Curved Bridge Decks Supported by Flexible Multi-Girders", by Aejaz I. Ali, Supervised by Dr. A.K. Azad, Committee Member, Dr. M.H. Baluch (September 1984).

  8.   "Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Sulphur Concrete Beams", by Mohammad Iqbal Saqib, Supervised by Dr. A.K. Azad, Committee Member, Dr. M.H. Baluch (September 1984).

  9.   "Recycling of Deteriorated Asphalt Pavements", by Khefah M. Abdul Rahman Supervised by Dr. M.G. Arora, Committee Member, Dr. K. Abdulghani (May 1985).

  10.   "Strength of Asphalt Emulsion Treated Marl for Road Bases", by Thaer S. Arabiat Rahman, Supervised by Dr. M.G. Arora, Committee Member, Dr. K. Abdulghani (1985).

  11.   "Evaluation of Emulsified Asphalt Treated Sand for Road Bases", by M. Halhouli, Supervised by Dr. Hamad Al-Abdulwahhab, Committee Member, Dr. M.G. Arora (May 1986).

  12.     “Evaluation of Compaction Asphalt Treated Sand for Road Bases,” M. T. Khan, Supervised by Dr. Hamad Al-Abdulwahhab, Committee Member, Dr. H. G. Al-Al-Ahmady (June 1996).



1.   Mohammed Saed Saleh, "An Investigation into the Effect of Weathering on the Geotechnical Properties of Diorite, Muna", M.S. Thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, October 1983.

  2.    Sami A. Abu-Daoud, "High-Strength Concrete From Locally Available Materials in Western Saudi Arabia", M.S. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, January 1988.

  3.    Waleed H. Al-Bedawi,”Effect of Temperature Variations on the Strength Development of Pozzolanic Concrete,” M. S. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabai, July 1991.

  4.   Misfer M. Al-Zahrani, “Bond Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Reinforcement with Concrete,” Ph. D Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA, 1995.

  5.    Salah U. Al-Dulaijan, “Effect of Environmental and Mechanical Conditioning on Bond Between FRP Reinforcement and Concrete,” Ph. D. Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA, December 1996.

  6.   Adly K. Saafin, “The Characterization of Sabkhas in the Eastern Parts of Saudi Arabia and Implications for Engineering,” Ph. D. Dissertation, Queen Mary College of the UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, United Kingdom, 1996.




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