Numerical modeling of a
multi-aquifer system in eastern Saudi
Rasheeduddin, M1.,
Yazicigil, H2.,
Al-Layla, R.I2.
1) Arriyadh Development Authority, PO Box NO.
495, Riyadh 11411,
Saudi Arabia, 2) Civil Engineering University
of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran
31261, Saudi
numerical quasi-three-dimensional groundwater flow model was constructed for a
multi-aquifer system in eastern Saudi
Arabia to determine the hydraulic properties
of the system and to evaluate the consequences of various development
alternatives. The aquifers modeled were the Alat, the Khobar and the Umm Er
Radhuma of Paleocene-Eocene age, which are hydraulically connected with
intervening aquitards. Steady-state and transient model calibrations
demonstrated considerable spatial variations in transmissivities of the
aquifers and vertical leakances of the aquitards. The reliabilities of these
parameters were checked through sensitivity analysis. The model results have
confirmed the hydraulic interaction between the aquifers via intervening
aquitards. The calibrated model was subsequently utilized to predict responses
of the aquifers over a planning horizon of 14 years (1987-2000) under three
development alternatives. -from Authors