ICS 101 - Computer programming

Lab # 6

( Functions ) II






 Intrinsic (built-in) Functions


    Function     Function Value      Comment
    SQRT(X)      Square Root of X  X is a real argument
    ABS(X)      Absolute Value of X  
    INT(X)      Integer Value of X  Converts a real to an integer
    REAL(K)      Real Value of X  Converts  an integer to a real
    MOD(M, N)      M - M / N * N  Modulo function




 Statement Functions









fname is the name of  the function

a list of arguments is the optional list of dummy arguments

expression computes the function value



Exercise 1


Write a program which prompts for and reads a positive integer N. It then calls a logical statement function MLTPL3 which returns the value .TRUE . if the integer N is divisible by 3. The program then prints one of the following messages DIVISIBLE BY 3 or NOT DIVISIBLE BY 3 accordingly.



Exercise 2 

Write a function that takes as input three integer numbers, it then returns the minimum number. Write a main program to test your function.


Exercise 3    (Homework) DO this exercise and submit in webCT


Write a function subprogram COST that computes the cost of postage according to the following: 2.50 Riyals for any weight equal to or less than a kilogram. Every additional kilogram is charged 3.0 Riyals , plus 100 Riyals extra charge If the customer wants fast delivery. The arguments to the function are the weight of the package and a logical variable FAST indicating fast delivery. Write a main program to test the function.