Retention Survey

1.    Name (Optional)             

2.    ID # (Optional)                

3.    Department (Optional)    

4.    Rank 

       Chair Professor


       Associate Professor                

        Assistant Professor             

       Research Associate        


       Visiting Professor

       Adjunct Professor


5.     Age  Years


6.    Years at KFUPM       


7.    Nationality   Saudi         Non-Saudi


8.         If you had to decide all over again whether to be a faculty member at KFUPM, what would you decide?


                   I would choose to be a faculty member at KFUPM


                   I would have some second thoughts

                   I would not choose to be a faculty member at KFUPM

9.       Have you ever seriously considered leaving KFUPM?


Yes        No 


10.       What factors would make you leave KFUPM? Indicate how important each of the following factors would be a reason for leaving KFUPM.


        Not at all Important             1           2           3           4            5      Very Important


Desire to:


Join a more prestigious institution                                                                                    


Live closer to family and friends                                                                


Earn a higher salary                                                                                  


Enhance my spouse's career opportunities                                                  


Obtain a position of higher rank, responsibility, or visibility                            


Join an institution where I would be more appreciated                                  


Reduce my teaching responsibilities                                                            


Work in a less-pressured environment                                                         


Move to a more teaching-oriented institution                                                


Have wider social contacts                                                                         


Leave academic life                                                                                   


Achieve a better balance between my work and personal life                        




Please provide us with your opinion about the following by rating the importance of the factors as well as your level of satisfaction



1.         University and College Practices


               Importance                                                                                              Satisfaction

Low (1)…………………High(5)                                                              Low (a)………………High (e)

              1   2   3   4   5                                                                                            a   b   c   d   e


                                 Clarity of performance evaluation process                                      


                                 Research support                                                              


                                 Teaching support                                                                 


                                 Availability of graduate students                                                                        


                                 Faculty promotion process                                                                             


                                 Junior Faculty development                                                                   


                                 Formal recognition (such as University Award)                                   



2.         Departmental Experience


               Importance                                                                                              Satisfaction

Low (1)…………………High(5)                                                              Low (a)………………High (e)

              1   2   3   4   5                                                                                            a   b   c   d   e


                                     Academic Programs                                                        


                                     Balanced overall workload assignment                              


                                     Department Chairman’s leadership role                             


                                    Healthy social climate within the department                      


                                      Informal recognition by colleagues for good work              


                                      Quality of Laboratory Facilities                                         


3.         Individual Considerations


                Importance                                                                                              Satisfaction

Low (1)…………………High(5)                                                              Low (a)………………High (e)

              1   2   3   4   5                                                                                            a   b   c   d   e


                                   Your course teaching assignments                                                                


                                   Your advising assignments                                                   


                                   Availability of funds to initiate research. activities                  


                                   Flexibility to engage in consulting                                          


                                   Salary increases that relate fairly to performance                  


                                   Annual salary                                                                      


                                   Employee benefits (housing, medical, education)                    


                                   Termination Benefits                                                            


                                   Contract duration                                                                 


                                   Job Opportunities available for spouse/partner                        


4.         Support Services and Resources


                 Importance                                                                                              Satisfaction

Low (1)…………………High(5)                                                              Low (a)………………High (e)

              1   2   3   4   5                                                                                            a   b   c   d   e


                            Professional development support                                                

                                (conferences, workshops, symposia, etc.)               

                           Release time for research  (projects, sabbatical,…)                                                   


                           Quality of library facilities                                                                                       


                           Quality of computing facilities                                                             


                           Quality of other facilities (parking, offices, classrooms, etc.)                                                


5.         Local Community Life


                Importance                                                                                              Satisfaction

Low (1)…………………High(5)                                                              Low (a)………………High (e)

              1   2   3   4   5                                                                                            a   b   c   d   e


                           Social life and availability of cultural events                                      

                                   in the local community                                          

                           Quality of the local school                                                                                                               

                           Recreational Facilities                                                                     

                           Availability of child care                                                                                       

                           Health care                                                                                                                                              

                           Tolerance of ethnic and cultural diversity                                          

6.       How satisfied are you with your job at KFUPM?


Not at all Satisfied    1      2         3          4        5   Very Satisfied



7.       Please feel free to add any other comments




Thanks For Your Participation