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Research Activities |
1) M. Mohsen, A. Al-Gadhib and M. Baluch, “Influence Functions in the Numerical Analysis of Bending of Thin Elastic Plates,” Transaction of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers (CSME), Vol. 8, No. 2, 1984, pp. 103-114.
2) Ali H. Al-Gadhib and Kerry S. Havner, “Principal Direction Paths in Tension-Torsion Test at Finite Strain,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 116, No. 5, May 1990, pp. 1002-1019.
3) Ali H. Al-Gadhib and Kerry S. Havner, “Comparative Evaluation of Plasticity Theories Against Tension-Torsion Test and Finite Strain,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 188, No. 10, Oct. 1992, pp. 2104-2126.
4) S. Taher, M. Baluch and A. Al-Gadhib, “Towards a Canonical Elastoplastic Damage Model,” International Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 48, No. 2, 1994, pp. 151-166.
5) M. Asad, M. Baluch, and A. Al-Gadhib, “Drying Shrinkage Stresses in Concrete Patch Repair Systems,” Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 49, No. 181, Dec. 1997, pp. 283-293.
6) Ali H. Al-Gadhib, K. Asad-ur-Rahman and Mohammed H. Baluch, “CDM Based Finite Element Code for Concrete in 3-D,” Journal of Computer and Structures, Vol. 67, 1998, pp. 451-462.[pdf]
7) M.K. Rahman, M.H. Baluch and A.H. Al-Gadhib, “Simulation of Shrinkage Distress and Creep Relief in Concrete Repair,” Composites, Part B: Engineering, 3(2000), pp. 541-553.
8) M.K. Rahman, M.H. Baluch ad A.H. Al-Gadhib, “Modeling of Shrinkage and Creep Stresses in Concrete Repair,” ACI-Materials Journal, 96(5), Sep./Oct. 1999.
9) A.H. Al-Gadhib, M.H. Baluch, A. Shaalan and A.R. Khan, “Damage Model for Monotonic & Fatigue Response of High Strength Concrete”, Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol. 9, Jan. 2000, pp. 57-78.[pdf]
10) M.H. Baluch, A.R. Khan, and A.H. Al-Gadhib, “Fatigue Performance of Concrete Beams Strengthened with CFRP Plates,” Discussion on paper by R.A. Branes & G.C. Mays published in the ASCE, Journal of Composite, May 1999.
11) M.H. Baluch, M.K. Rahman, and A.M. Al-Gadhib, “Risk of Cracking & Delamination in Patch Repair,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, July/August 2002, pp. 294-302.
12) M.H. Baluch, A.H. Al-Gadhib, A.R. Khan, and A. Shaalan, “CDM Model for Residual Strength of Concrete Under Cyclic Compression,” Cement & Concrete Composites, Theme Issue on Concrete Durability, Vol. 25, 2003, pp. 503-512.
13) Al-Gadhib, A.H., Baluch, M.H. and Rahman, M.K., “Repair and Retrofitting of Deteriorated and Distressed Concrete Structures – Three Case Studies”, J. of the International Association of Concrete Technology, Vol. 1(2), Dec. 2003, pp. 153-160.
1) Ali H. Al-Gadhib, “New Plastic Damage Modulus for Modeling Damage”.
2) Ali H. Al-Gadhib, “Streghtening of RC Structures – Two Case Studies”.
1) A. H. Al-Gadhib, Asadur-Rahman Khan and M.H. Baluch, “A 3-D Continuum Damage Finite Element Codes for Concrete,” Proceedings of the 1st Regional Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers - Saudi-Arabian Section (ASCE-SAS), pp. 183-194, Manama, Bahrain, Sept. 18-20, 1994.
2) M. Asad, M. Baluch, O. Al-Amoudi, A. Al-Gadhib and S. Alghamdi, “Moisture Diffusion & Shrinkage in Concrete Repair Material,” Proceedings of the Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference, pp. 289-295, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 5-8, 1995.
3) M. Asad, M. Baluch, A. Al-Gadhib, O. Al-Amoudi and S. Alghamdi, “Nonlinear Finite Element Model for Moisture Diffusion in Repair Material,” Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers - Saudi-Arabian Section (ASCE-SAS), pp. 891-898, Beirut, Lebanon, Nov. 16-18, 1995.
4) A. Al-Gadhib and M. Baluch, “Continuum Damage Mechanics Based Model for Fatigue in Concrete,” Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers - Saudi-Arabian Section (ASCE-SAS), pp. 221-232, Beirut, Lebanon, Nov. 16-18, 1995.
5) Asad R. Khan, A, A. Al-Gadhib and M.H. Baluch, “Elasto-Damage Constitutive Model for High Strength Concrete,” Proceedings of the EURO-C 1998 Conference on Computational Modeling of Concrete Structures at Austria, pp. 133-142, May 1998.[pdf]
6) A.R. Khan, A.H. Al-Gadhib and M.H. Baluch, "Three Prameters Damage Model for Concrete" The Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Leuven, Belgium, Sep. 21-23, 2000.[pdf]
7) M.H. Baluch, M.K. Rahman, and A.H. Al-Gadhib, "Performance Guidelines for Concrete Patch Repair," Proceedings of the 6th Intl. Conference on Deterioration and Repair of Reinforced Concrete in the Arabian Gulf, Bahrain, pp. 395-409, Nov. 2000.
8) M.K. Rahman, M.H. Baluch, A.H. Al-Gadhib, and A.M. Sharif, "Finite Element Approach for Determinaiton of Diffusivity Law of Repair Materials," Proceedings, Second International Conf. on Engineering Materials, San Jose, Aug. 2001.
9) M.K. Rahman, M.H. Baluch, A.H. Al-Gadhib & A.M. Sharif, "Assessment of Concrete Patch Repair Performance," Proc., First International Conference on Concrete & Development, Tehran, Vol. 2, April 2001, pp. 373-384.
10) M.H. Baluch, M.A. Shazali, A.H. Al-Gadhib & M.K. Rahman, "Computational Chemo-Damage Modeling for Assessment of Concrete Patch Repair Durability," Proceedings of First International Conference on Concrete & Development, Tehran, Vol. 2, April 2001, pp. 385-399.
11) A.H. Al-Gadhib, A.R. Khan & M.H. Baluch, "Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with CFRP Strips," Proceedings of First International Confernece on Concrete & Development, Tehran, Vol. 2, April 2001, pp. 401-410.
12) Al-Gadhib, A.H., Baluch, M.H. and Rahman, M.K., “Repair and Retrofitting of Deteriorated and Distressed Reinforced Concrete Structures – Three Case Studies,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Concrete Technology for Developing Countries, Amman, Jordan, Oct. 2002, pp.415-422.
13) A.H. Al-Gadhib, M.H. Baluch and M.K. Rahman, “Repair and Retrofitting of Deteriorated Reinforced Concrete Structures – Three Case Studies,” Proceedings of the 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, Dec. 2002, Vol. 3, pp.147-156.
14) A.H. Al-Gadhib, “Damage-Based Computational Model for Concrete,” Proceedidngs of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, The Netherland, 2-4 Sep. 2003.
15) Ali H. Al-Gadhib, “The Virtues of A Strong Link Between Academia and Industry,” Proceedings of the Third Forum on Engineering Education: Building Partnership with Government Industry and Society in Shrangila, UAE, Oct. 14-15, 2003.
16) M.K. Rahman, M.H. Baluch, A.H. Al-Gadhib and S. Zafar, “Influence of Environmental Variables on Moisture Transport in Cementitious Material”, Italy, Sep. 2003.
17) M.A. Shazali, M.H. Baluch, A.H. Al-Gadhib, and A.S. Al-Gahtani, “Application of Concrete Desalination for Concrete Corrosion,” International Conference on Performance of Construction Materials in The New Millinium (ICPM), Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 2003, pp.911-919.
1) A. Al-Gadhib, M. Baluch and M. Mohsen, “Improved Collocation Point Location in the Influence Function Method as Applied to the Bending of Thin-Elastic Plates,” First Saudi Engineering Conference, Jeddah, May 1983.
2) M. Mohsen, A. Al-Gadhib and M. Baluch, “Influence Functions in the Numerical Analysis of Bending of Thin-Elastic Plates,” a paper presented at The Ninth Canadian Congress Applied Mechanics, CANCAM 83, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 1983.
3) A. Al-Gadhib and K. Havner, “Principal Directions of Stress, Strain, and Strain Rate in Axial-Torsional Loading of Thin-Walled Tubes,” The 24th Annual Meeting of Society of Engineering Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Sept. 1987.
4) A. Al-Gadhib and K. Havner, “Comparative Evaluation of Plasticity Theories Against Tension-Torsion Test at Finite Strain,” ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, May 1992.
5) A. H. Al-Gadhib, M.R. Rahman and M.H. Baluch, “Prediction of Shrinkage and Creep Stresses in Concrete Repair Systems,” Proceedings of Symposium on Civil Engineering and Environment, pp. 75-89, KFUPM, Dhahran, May 3-5, 1997.
6) M.K. Rahman, M.H. Baluch and A.H. Al-Gadhib, “Simulation of Shrinkage Distress & Creep Relief of Concrete Repair,” a paper presented in the Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, Hawaii (July 1997).
7) M.K. Rahman, M.H. Baluch and A.H. Al-Gadhib, “Modeling of Concrete Patch Repair Systems Using Finite Element Approach,” a paper presented at Saudi-French Workshop on Recent Developments in Material Processing and Modeling, KFUPM, Dhahran, Nov. 11-12, 1997.
8) A.H. Al-Gadhib, Asadur Rahman, K. and M.H. Baluch, “Prediction of Failure Modes in Concrete Patch Repair Systems,” Proceedings of Civil Engineering Technical Exchange Meeting, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Nov. 17-19, 1997.
9) A.H. Al-Gadhib, M.H. Baluch, and M.K. Rahman, “Assessment and Performance of Concrete Repair in Out-door Public Spaces in Cities,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of Umran Society, Al-Hasa, March 26-26, 1998.
10) M.H. Baluch, M.K. Rahman and A.H. Al-Gadhib, “Indices for Prediction of Repair Mortar Performance,” to be included in the proceeding of symposium on Performance of Concrete Structures in the Arabian Gulf Environment, Nov. 15-17, 1998.
11) A.H. Al-Gadhib, M.K. Rahman and M.H. Baluch, “Repair and Strengthening of Hydraulic Structures – Case Studies in Saudi Arabia,” International Conference on Hydraulic Structures, 1-2 May 2001, Kerman, Iran.
As Principal Investigator
1) “Nonlinear Finite Element Modelling for Reinforced Cementitious Composites” (CE/NFINELMT/139) 1991-1994.
Budget : SR375,000
Duration : Three and a half years
Client : King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
2) “Design Guidelines and Performance Criteria for Concrete Repair Systems”
Budget : SR 280,000
Duration : Two years
Client : KACST
Status : 29/9/1996 (In-progress)
As Member of Research Team
1) “Saudi Aramco Concrete Durability Study” PN 25090
Budget : SR 2,100,000
Duration : Two and half years
Client : Saudi Aramco
(Sept. 1997 - August 1999)
2) “Desalination of Chloride Contaminated Structures for Corrosion Protection,” (Nov. 1999) – Co-Investigator.
Budget : SR 85,000
Duration : 1 year
Client : KACST
Status : to start on Jan. 2001
3) “Hadeed Model Contest Project,” KFUPM (Sep. 2000).
Budget : SR 183,000
Duration : 2 years
Client : Hadeed Company
Status : Sep. 2000 - in progress
4) “Influence of Environment Variables and Mix Design on Moisture Transport in Concrete” (Sep 2003)-C0-Investigator
Budget : SR 216,000
Duration : 30 working months
Client : KFUPM
Status : will start by Sep. 2003
5) “Finite Element Analysis of Failure in Heat Transfer Line”
Budget : SR 90,000
Duration : 2 years
Client : SABIC
Status : Jan. 2003 – in progress
1) "Use of CFRP in Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures," submitted to Saudi Aramco.
2) “The Effect of Temperature and Wind Speed in Concrete,” submitted to KFUPM.
I. Reviewed and Evaluated Papers
1) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entitled “Approximated Calculus of Torsion of Beams with Solid Cross Section,” by M. Serra which has been submitted for possible publication in the Int. Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics.
2) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entitled “Thermodynamical Constitutive Equation for Damage Mechanics of Ferroelectric Ceramics - Part I - Phenomenological Model,” by F. Bassomy which has been submitted for possible publication in The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
3) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entitled “Concrete Behavior in Reactor Envelope of Nuclear Power Plant at Temperatures to 200ºC” by I. Janotka and T. Nürnbergerova, which has been submitted for possible publication in The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, March 1998.
4) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entitled “Rebar Discoloration (Rusting) and Corrosion in Concrete,” for possible publication in The Fifth Saudi Engineering Conference, 24/1/1419 H.
5) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entitled “Effect of Site Exposure and Rusting on the Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete,” for possible publication in The Fifth Saudi Engineering Conference, 24/1/1419 H.
6) Reviewed three papers for possible publication in the 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, Sep. 2002.
7) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entitled “ Non-linear fire resistance analysis of reinforced concrete frames ” By Sebastjan Bratina et. al. which have been submitted for possible publication in the international Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechnics , June 2003.
8) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entitled “Experimental Study on 3D Wall Panels Under Shear and Flexural Loading,” By Mohammad Z. Kabir, which has been submitted for possible publication in the Scientia Iranica Journal, July 2003.
9) Reviewed and evaluated a paper entiteled ‘’ Damage Costitutive of Concrete Under Uniaxial Alternate Tension-Compression Fatigue Loading Based on Double Bounding Surfaces ‘’ By P.Lu,Q. Li and Y. Song, which have been submitted for possible publications in the International Journal of Solid and Structures, July 2003
Send aghadib@kfupm.edu.sa for more info. |