Syllabus | |
KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS Department of Civil Engineering CE 370-51 WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER ENGINEERING INSTRUCTOR : Dr. A. A. Bukhari OFFICE : Bldg. 15 Room # 4402 Telephone No. : 3232/1342
List of Experiments:
Lab Report Contents: Your report should include the following items: I. INTRODUCTION - The purpose of the experiment. - The importance of the parameters tested. - General application of the results. II. RESULTS - Put down the results in a tabulated form. - Include a detailed sample calculation. III. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS - Comment on the accuracy of your results. - Compare your results to the theoretical ones (or published). - Discuss sources of error. - Put down any other relevant comments. IV. PROBLEMS SOLUTION ----------------------------------------------------- GRADES Lab Reports 15% Quizzes 10% |