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Associate Professor | Architectural Engineering Department

Publications in Trade Journals and Newspapers

    1. Al-Homoud, M. S., "Energy Conservation Tips for Residential Buildings", Al-Jazeerah News Paper, No. 9035 (1997), June 24. (In Arabic)
    2. Al-Homoud, M. S., "Building Energy Conservation: Reasons and Means", Al-Mohandis Journal, Vol. 3 (1999), No. 1, pp. 46-50. (In Arabic)
    3. Al-Homoud, M. S., "Building Energy Management: A Principle, an Economy and A Well", Al-Riyadh News Paper, No. 11326 (1999), June 28. (In Arabic)
    4. Al-Homoud, M. S., "The Importance and Applications of Thermal Insulation in Buildings", Al-Youm News Paper, Special Publication on Building Construction- How to Build Your Own House? May 2003 (In Arabic).
Copyright 2008-2009 | Dr. Mohammad S. Al-Homoud | ARE Department | KFUPM