Conferences, Symposia, Workshops & Seminars Organized and Attended
Organization/Membership Capacity
- Member, the Organizing Committee of the: “1st Forum on Research Directions”, Held March 11-12, 2008, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Chairman, the Scientific Committee of the: “2nd Conference on the Planning and Development of Education and Scientific Research in the Arab World”, Held February 24-27, 2008, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Member, the Organizing Committee of the: “2nd Conference on the Planning and Development of Education and Scientific Research in the Arab World”, Held February 24-27, 2008, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Chairman, the Scientific Committee of the: “Project on Developing Strategic Plan for the Higher Education System in Saudi Arabia”, September 2005-September 2006.
- Member, the Scientific Committee of the: “2nd International Conference on Engineering Education & Training ICEET2”, April 9-11, 2007, Kuwait.
- Facilitator, Faculty Workshop on: "Developing Program Objectives and Outcomes" held on September 19, 2006 for KFUPM Faculty, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Coordinator/Facilitator, Faculty Workshop on: "Outcome-Based Program Assessment" held on September 28, 2004 for KFUPM Faculty, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop on: "Assessment and Accreditation in Higher Education" held on Jan 4, 2004 at KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Discussion Forum on: "Research at KFUPM: Challenges and Opportunities" held on May 20, 2003 at KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 1st Symposium on: "Energy Conservation & Management in Buildings" held from February 5-6, 2002 at KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Member of the Finance and Registration Committee of the 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, held from December 14-17, 2002, at KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop On: "Teaching Courses Incorporating Projects: Facing the Challenge" held at KFUPM on November 1, 1998.
Professional Development Workshops/Meetings
- Workshop on: "Research Management", December 14-18, 2007, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
- Workshop on: "Academic Leadership", DAD, KFUPM, December 1-2, 2005.
- Workshop on: "Student Study Skills", DAD, KFUPM, July 9-13, 2005.
- 2nd Workshop on: "Strategic Planning", DAD, KFUPM, April 17-20, 2005.
- Series of Workshops on: "Effective Teaching & Learning Skills", DAD, KFUPM, September 4-7, 2004.
- Workshop on: "Providing Effective Feedback", DAD, KFUPM, August 30, 2004.
- Workshop on: "Continuous Program Improvement and ABET EC2000", KAAU, Jeddah, May1-2, 2004.
- 1st workshop on: "Strategic Planning", DAD, KFUPM, April 13-14, 2004.
- 2nd ABET International Faculty Workshop on: "Continuous Program Improvement", Dec. 9-11, 2003, Singapore.
- Workshop on: "Outcome-Based Program and Course Assessment", DAD, KFUPM, December 8, 2003.
- Workshop on: "Critical Thinking", DAD, KFUPM, September 7-10, 2003.
- “Panel Discussion on Conservation of Resources” one hour Radio Broadcasted Discussion, March, 2002, Riyadh Radio, Saudi Arabia.
- “Panel Discussion on Energy Conservation Awareness” Televised Discussion, February 2, 2002, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- “What Do You Know About Building Thermal Insulation?” Public Seminar, March 31, 2003, CED, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Copyright 2008-2009 | Dr. Mohammad S. Al-Homoud | ARE Department | KFUPM |