King Fahd University of Petroleum and
ARC 110: History of Architecture I
ARC 112: History of Architecture II
ARE 201: Architectural Graphics
ARC 202: Design Studio II
ARC 203: Design Studio III
ARE 202: Architectural Design
ARC 251: Introduction to Urban Design
ARC 305: Design Studio IV
ARC 408: Senior Project
ARE 303: Working Drawing
ARC 313: Theory of Architecture 1
ARC 353: Housing Policy and Design
ARC 407: Construction Documents
Ahmadu Bello University
ARCH 103 Scale and proportion
ARCH 131 Introduction to Arch. 1
ARCH 132 Introduction to Arch. 2
ARCH 201 Architectural Design
ARCH 202 Architectural Design
ARCH 301 Architectural Design
ARCH 302 Architectural Design
ARCH 352 Computers in Arch
ARCH 452 Research Methods