Home Page of Salman Al-Faifi

 سلمان بن امساري الفيفي

Welcome to my personal website.

I am Mr. Salman Bin Imsari AL-Faifi, Currently I am graduate assistant in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at KFUPM.



Salman Imsari AL-Faifi

Graduate Assistant

        Aerospace Engineering Department

King Fahd Univesity of Petroleum and Minerals



سلمان بن امساري الفيفي

معيد وطالب دراسات عليا

 قسم هندسة الطيران والفضاء

جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن



Contact Me

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dhahran  (31261)

P.O. Box # 648

Office Tel # +966-03-860-7743

Fax # +966-03-860-4626

E-mail Address: fifis@kfupm.edu.sa




 About Me                                                                                   Please Click Here and Enjoy This Little Movie

Course Taught   


Detailed Resume (Arabic)

Detailed Resume (English)

Important Links

Publications & Projects                                                                                               Fantastic landing without landing gear



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